Magic is my paint.

Magic really helped me.

I'm a magician, not a singer.

I'm a horrible karaoke singer.

Never take "NO" for an answer.

We all possess the need to dream.

If I was gay, why would I hide it?

But Vegas is really my first home.

Marriage is like a formality for me.

Never stop listening to your audience.

No, I think marriage is a great thing.

Tommy Chong connects to the pipe a lot.

The most important thing is presentation.

I was teaching magic at NYU when I was 16.

The audiences are what keep me enthusiastic.

Physical rehab is often very, very hard work.

Stop saying 'I wish' and start saying 'I will'.

The audience likes to be taken on new journeys.

Let sleeping dogs lie — who wants to rouse 'em?

My dreams are my dress rehearsals for my future.

The real secret of magic lies in the performance.

Before there can be wonders, there must be wonder.

I love what I'm doing, I love creating new things.

You have to learn certain skills to present magic.

I fell in love with magic acts and bridged into that.

I act like I'm 14, if you haven't figured that out yet.

I have always been interested in pushing magic forward.

Performing my show is something I constantly think about.

I was published in Tarbell Course in Magic when I was 12.

I find revealing the secrets of magic quite reprehensible.

What you think is impossible in life actually is possible.

I need a form of escape even when I'm working really hard.

I have always looked to movies and theatre for inspiration.

I will now make a scorpion appear in Osama bin Laden's pants

It's okay for me to be gay, but God didn't make me that way.

My mother was really loving and wonderful and tough as hell.

I brush my teeth with a Sonicare toothbrush before every show.

When I started doing magic as a kid, my parents had no problem.

I discovered Musha Cay and the islands around it in the Exumas.

Magicians lose the opportunity to experience a sense of wonder.

I really did sneak into Broadway shows, starting when I was 12.

There is a safe spot within every tornado. My job is to find it.

It is the unspoken ethic of all magicians to not reveal the secrets.

Demonic figures and occult themes have disappeared from modern magic.

For me to grow, I have to know about the foundation that came before.

Magicians are the people who began to use film as an illusion on stage.

As I did more of that, I realized, "Well, maybe I should do more magic."

I'm really happy that I had the foundations of knowing where I came from.

I was an only child. We were so poor, my parents and I had the same room.

But when I go off stage I don't have a deck of cards with me all the time.

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