Winning isn't the end of the world

The zip on the pitch is very zippy

Sammy Lee is another inbred player

A game is not won until it is lost.

I was inbred into the game by my father

Preki quite literally only has the one foot

He is an interesting player - short back legs.

He's had a lovely career for the talent he's got.

I feel like a drunken man who doesn't have a drink.

Ronaldo has been compared to the incomparable George Best

We are now in the middle of the centre of the first half.

For such a small man Maradona gets great elevation on his balls

There's always been a fierce rivalry between Spurs and Tottenham.

You know sometimes football turns on the slightest biscuit of good fortune.

There's too much - I don't know what the word is - scientology in the game.

I've seen some players with very big feet ... and some with very small feet.

Pires has got something about him, he can go both ways depending on who's facing him

When you've got a mountain to climb you may as well throw everything into the kitchen sink.

I'm not too sure how much you get for winning the Champion's League, but it's definitely 10 million euros.

Eighty per cent of teams who score first in matches go on to win them. But they may draw some - or occasionally lose.

Of course, Steven Gerrard is one of only a few Liverpool players who never get left out by Rafa; and even he doesn't always get picked.

I've enjoyed my time in the game, whether it be managing Luton in the top flight, taking Spurs to Wembley or, as director of football, pinpointing players such as Jermain Defoe, Paul Robinson and Robbie Keane with real sell-on value.

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