We see only that which we are.

We each need to become our own hero.

What you can't be with, won't let you be.

The present moment is the pivotal point of power.

Devotion begins at home, inside your own awareness.

You are here to deliver a divine gift to the world.

The mind can't take you where your heart longs to go.

For when I can love all of me, I will love all of you.

Live in the knowledge that you are a gift to the world.

Your soul never asks you to endure anything you can't handle.

You must go into the dark in order to bring forth your light.

Think about how audacious it is to really believe in yourself.

Your life will be transformed when you make peace with your shadow.

Now is the time to take back your energy, your power, and your peace.

In order to find peace, we must expose the masks we use to hide behind.

Compassion is the key to living outside the confines of your lower self.

People with hearts filled with love, peace, and compassion live in heaven.

We were birthed with one soul to take care of, and we must take care of it.

When you are in harmonywith yourself, you'll be in harmony with everyone else.

Our perspectives on situations act like a lens through which we view the world.

All of our suffering in life is from saying we want one thing and doing another.

When you trust the universe, you get to play in the magical world of God's plan.

Compassion enables you to reach to the heavens and look through the heart of God.

We choose to forget aspects of ourselves and then we forget that we've forgotten.

Owning our power means claiming the credibility and uniqueness of our own humanity.

Our pain can be our greatest teacher. It leads us to places we'd never go on our own.

Unforgiveness is the poison you drink every day hoping that the other person will die.

Congruence, integration, responsibility and integrity are the values that I stand for.

When you make peace with yourself, the world will mirror back that same level of peace.

If you admire greatness in another human being, it is your own greatness you are seeing.

Your soul's desires compel you to grow, evolve and move closer to your highest potential.

If we want to know what we're really committed to, all we have to do is look at our lives.

I grew up very insecure. From the time I was little I used to hide under my mother's dress.

I define God as an energy - a spiritual energy. It has no denomination. It has no judgments.

When you learn that you can trust life, life will deliver treasures beyond your imagination.

We and we alone have the power to change our lives, and we can choose to do so at any moment.

God's will can become your internal reference point from this day forward; it is your choice.

Challenge the person you think you are in order to unveil the person you are capable of becoming

When you fail to tell the truth, you are kept bound to the past in ways that devastate your soul.

If you ask the Universe to be your partner and guide you on the path to wholeness, it will oblige.

Loving yourself means making choices that allow you to care for the important person that you are.

Compassion knows that choosing the higher road in any situation is the most loving option for you.

Taking back our light from those we’ve projected it onto opens the door to an unimaginable future.

Become aware of your negative expectations and practice replacing them with positive expectations.

If we want a new future that does not look like our past, we must make new choices in the present.

I think that any time of great pain is a time of transformation, a fertile time to plant new seeds.

Faith gives us strength and reassurance and leaves us bathed in the wisdom that we are never alone.

Sometimes we can't see our own selves, our own shortcomings, but it's so easy to see somebody else's.

Divorce becomes a holy moment when you choose to use it as a catalyst for having an extraordinary life.

If you accept that your only job is to be the keeper of your life force, you will make powerful choices.

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