I love Oasis.

I love 'Star Wars.'

Well I am a Gemini.

I practice Rasayana Buddhism.

Pay attention to your breathing.

I do have very small handwriting.

I'm interested in Qawwali and the blues.

I might have some delusions of grandeur.

I'm just trying to make rent and do my work.

I aspire to feel like a child, how about that!

I'm deeply conservative and I'm profoundly boring.

Coming to Canada, I'd really like to see Sasquatch.

I was born in Texas, you know. I was born in Houston.

Good art doesn't really have an expiration date on it.

I cannot wait for all the mistakes we have yet to make

I sometimes feel like I should be in the hotel business.

When real work happens and that's when real art happens.

I want to say that Beck is incredible. He is an art machine.

I'm very lucky my parents were into different kinds of music.

Some people like to say serendipitous. I like to say magical.

We all have our vices, you know. One of my vices is ice cream.

Real hippies don't like me at all. They can smell a real hippy.

It only takes one profound experience to change somebody's life.

I guess I don't want everyone to know what I'm doing every second.

I want to do a record with Adam Green of all German schlager songs.

Trying to find comfort in perpetual discomfort has been my life's work.

For a long time, soul music was maybe one of my favorite kinds of music.

In the next life what would my career be? Oh, easy. Dried persimmon dealer.

I've always thought it'd be nice to be seaweed, kind of just floating about.

It's very powerful to shut down your computer and escape into the real world.

I do think that music videos have a huge impact on the way you listen to music.

Something I practice everyday is Tonglin. It's Tibetan for taking and receiving.

I live in a total bubble where I assume everyone is super-liberal and democratic.

I believe we are all dual beings. Some cultures actually believe we have two souls.

I see so many little boys I wanna marry, I see plenty little kids I've yet to have.

If you're ever wondering what to wear, just dress like a pumpkin, you're good to go.

I heard somebody say that the war ended today, but everybody knows it's going still.

I've been doing visual stuff for as long as I've been making records; in fact, for longer.

Leigh Bowery is a legend. Everybody loves Leigh Bowery. Everybody should love Leigh Bowery.

Anne Imhof is a powerful artist from Germany making work that is totally interdisciplinary.

It's all about sensitivity. If you have sensitivity then mysticism will be part of your life.

Whether I'm on a major or an indie, I don't think this is important, but at the same time I do.

Canada has really grown and grown as this unexplored and very mysterious and exotic place to me.

No one's fearless. We're all full of fear. But can your fear guide you or lean into it, embrace it.

I'm getting older and I'm just coming to terms that I'm stuck with me so I better try to like myself.

Venezuela is incredible, but Caracas? Oh God, I hate it. The sidewalks get smaller every time I go back.

Growing up in Caracas, Venezuela, the ubiquitous music is salsa, cumbia, merengue, a little bit of samba.

I love Meredith Monk, and with Instagram, I get a chance to see if she has a cat, and what's she reading.

I was just a huge fan of Blur, Suede, Elastica and Pulp, of course, even Menswear and Ocean Colour Scene.

I like California a lot. There's a lot of space, but it's actually the most populated place in the nation.

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