Never give up on whatever you want to do.

At school my nickname is the National Anthem girl.

I was friends with everybody. I never stuck to one clique.

I really truly believe I found my identity with country music.

My mom did a good job exposing me to different types of music.

I grew up listening to Dolly Parton and just loving her music.

I want to be a country singer more than anything in the world.

Because I came in second place, it makes me want to work harder

Good music is timeless, whether it's a country song, rock, or R&B.

"American Idol" has done a lot for me. It's a stepping stone in my life.

Working with Dolly Parton was one of the coolest experiences of my life.

I always loved singing. No matter where I was, I would just make up my own stuff.

I like my food. I would rather be a little bit on the heavier side than too thin.

I can't tell you how wonderful it is to hop in my car and drive home after rehearsal.

With 'American Idol,' you are on your toes a lot. People don't realize the amount of work.

I have the easiest job in the world! It's an excuse to get up there, goof around and have fun.

Southern women sometimes get dumbed down when they're turned into characters. I don't like that.

I can be a nag. And my mother can be a nag. It's a nagging relationship, but we know that it's loving.

Most people don't know I grew up singing country music; that's what I sang right up until I did 'Idol.'

I remember my mother and I sitting down counting off our pennies to pay our bills. We really had nothing.

I appreciate the level of professionalism and talent that I get to be around every night, eight times a week.

The funny thing when you are with a man that has lots of fans - particularly female fans - it gets sensitive!

I love shopping for shoes. I'm a big shoe-lover. Shopping is definitely something that I do on a regular basis.

I'm planning to be the youngest contestant in the Top 32, and I'm planning to be the youngest person in the Top 10.

I love all genres of music. I think it helps you become a better performer if you know the different types of music.

My mom played me all kinds of music, from Ella Fitzgerald to Celine Dion. I listened to everything growing up, old and new.

I'm definitely interested in acting. I've done it in my past. I know I can do it, let's put it that way. And it's so much fun.

I got a hug from Kathleen Marshall, Sheryl Crow, and Barry Levinson all in the same day - and that was something pretty special!

I don't read things that people say about me online. They write nasty things just to mess with you. I don't need that in my life.

The contracts for 'Idol' are definitely very intimidating at first. There's lots of fine, fine details that you have to read through.

What I do is a little bigger than traditional country. I've been belting all my life, so I fit right in with the musical-theater style.

My day look is usually a good pair of jeans, my boots, and a cute T-shirt, but I love to get all dolled up in a dress and heels to go out.

I grew up doing certain little things in the musical theatre realm, but I didn't really understand that you could... make a career out of it.

I didn't necessarily set out to be in musical theater, but that's where my path has taken me, and I've been loving and enjoying it ever since.

It's been really cool to go to places I've never been to around the country and performing for people and bringing a fun show to entertain folks.

My mom is my manager and handles day-to-day business to keep the DeGarmo machine up and running! She's a huge, huge part of my career and my life.

I always knew I wanted to be involved in entertainment in some way. But I really can't say I'd be where I am now if I hadn't been on 'American Idol.'

I've had the most amazing interviews, and I've done interviews that were so bad, I was embarrassed to be interviewed. I've seen both sides of the coin.

Honestly, I actually would really love to see more musical theatre actors do the movie adaptations of shows - I think that would be really great to see.

Being away from loved ones can be very hard. Taxing. With a tour, you don't know whether you'll see each other in three weeks, three months, or three days.

I love musical theater because it's live. There is no Auto-Tune. There's no second chance. What you see is what you get. You have to be amazing every night.

Acting while I'm singing just kind of happened because I'm a hambone at heart, I guess. And I'm a Gemini - I've got several personalities to access as an actor.

I've been doing this sort of thing my entire life. It's my love, it's my passion, it's what I do day in and day out. I eat, sleep, and breathe music and singing.

She's very active. My mom is my manager and handles day-to-day business to keep the DeGarmo machine up and running! She's a huge, huge part of my career and my life.

If you see me, I'm always wearing black and pink. If I don't have it on, I at least have something that's black and pink. For instance, like, a bracelet or something.

Just so many people have connections with 'Joseph,' so it is great to be a part of something that you don't really have to sell to people at all - they already love it.

I am excited and honored for the chance to sing the music of the iconic women I grew up idolizing, alongside three fabulous and funny gals in 'The Marvelous Wonderettes.'

I have a brother who has been overseas for two tours. I've been very fortunate that he has come home safely. Whether or not you support the war, always support our soldiers.

I've always wanted to be a recognized singer and just - just so people can hear my music - and thought, you know, look how many people watch 'American Idol.' Why not audition, you know?

Snellville is a great city. It's a great place to grow up and live. I love it. It's very full of southern charm and wonderful people. And they've supported me greatly throughout all of my endeavors.

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