History is an agreed-upon fiction.

We live on the leash of our senses.

Love is the white light of emotion.

Choice is a signature of our species.

Nature neither gives nor expects mercy.

Horses have made civilization possible.

The daftest logic brings such sweet unrest.

Like love, travel makes you innocent again.

Touch seems to be as essential as sunlight.

Flight is nothing but an attitude in motion.

A kiss is like singing into someone's mouth.

poetry had everything to teach me about life.

Writing is my form of celebration and prayer.

We are defined by how we place our attention.

I don't want to be a passenger in my own life.

Love, like truth, is the unassailable defense.

It's animal by animal that you save a species.

Smell is the mute sense, the one without words.

Our skin is what stands between us and the world.

For if I do something, I never do it thoughtlessly.

Humans are the most successful invasives of all time.

Libraries change lives. They are the soul of a people.

Above all, we ask the poet to teach us a way of seeing.

Success produces success, just as money produces money.

The visual image is a kind of tripwire for the emotions.

Culture is what people invent when they have lost nature.

Variety is the pledge that matter makes to living things.

Human beings are sloshing sacks of chemicals on the move.

Words are small shapes in the gorgeous chaos of the world.

I watched her face switch among the radio stations of memory

Adult bats don't weigh much. They're mainly fur and appetite.

I hate the fearful trimming of possibilities that age brings.

Who would drink from a cup when they can drink from the source?

Fear is danger to your body, but disgust is danger to your soul.

Writer's block is a luxury most people with deadlines don't have.

The well of nature is full today. Time to go outside and take a drink.

Nothing reveals more about the inner life of a people than their arts.

The heart is a museum, filled with the exhibits of a lifetime's loves.

American writer 1803-1882 Play is our brain's favorite way of learning.

Don't just live the length of your life - live the width of it as well.

Give a man enough rope and he'll wrap himself around your little finger.

There are well-dressed foolish ideas just as there are well-dressed fools.

We have vexed and bothered every plant and every animal on every continent.

Habitats keep evolving new pageants of species, and we shouldn't interfere.

After all, coffee is bitter, a flavor from the forbidden and dangerous realm.

The more we exile ourselves from nature, the more we crave its miracle waters.

Violets smell like burnt sugar cubes that have been dipped in lemon and velvet.

Couples are jigsaw puzzles that hang together by touching in just enough points.

Love is the best school, but the tuition is high and the homework can be painful.

As fleeting emotions stalk it, a face can leak fear or the guilt of a forming lie.

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