Toughness doesn't have to come in a pinstripe suit.

Toughness doesn't have to come in a pinstripe suit.

Survival is nothing more than recovery.

It appears to be a case of revenge run amok.

If I could have banned them all...I would have!

Well, that day is gone, and it will not occur again.

It (marijuana) will still be legal under federal law.

I think that some restriction on speech is appropriate.

Ports are the gaping hole in America's homeland security.

There is no more direct or honest person than Jim Clapper.

Information-sharing is elementary to good intelligence work.

So there will be a bill. We've been working on it now for a year.

It's a myth that the border can't be enforced. It can be enforced.

Theft of a firearm should be punished as a felony, plain and simple.

Winning may not be everything, but losing has little to recommend it.

I am not a high-tech techie, but I have been told that is not possible.

Banning guns addresses a fundamental right of all Americans to feel safe.

The sole purpose of nuclear weapons must be to deter their use by others.

Supreme Court justices should not be an extension of the Republican Party.

Once you sacrifice your rights, it's hard to get those rights protected again.

Yes, I support the death penalty. It is an issue that cannot be fudged or hedged.

Ninety percent of leadership is the ability to communicate something people want.

America is still the land of opportunity, and hard work is still a pathway to success.

Women have begun to see that if I go through that doorway, I take everybody through it.

An inflated balloon -- impressive to look at but hollow at the core and easily punctured.

America is big enough to admit when it's wrong and confident enough to learn from its mistakes.

Tax reform shouldn't add one penny to our deficit or to the tax bills of middle-class Americans.

In addition to being a terrorist recruiting tool, Guantanamo is a huge drain on taxpayer dollars.

It is my belief that tax credits only go to people who are making money, and they generally keep it.

Torture goes against the very soul of our country. We are a democracy, established on the rule of law.

I've passed on a number of bills. I've studied the Constitution myself. I am reasonably well educated...

We need steel spines, not weak knees when it comes to political independence in the Department of Justice.

Designing new low-yield nuclear weapons for limited strikes dangerously lowers the threshold for their use.

I'm concerned about the role the court will play in protecting individual rights in this and the next century.

Our system of checks and balances requires policymakers to have accurate information about government actions.

Assault weapons pose a grave threat to all Americans, but most especially to law enforcement officers on our city streets.

There's no reason to think a Guantanamo detainee is any more likely to escape from Supermax than any other federal prisoner.

[On gay ban in the military:] Heroism, I believe, is a trait that does not know race, color, creed, sex, or sexual orientation.

There is a worry about a bomb being implanted in a human being and placed on an airplane. So, I think there is a lot to worry about.

The National Guard fulfills the militia mentioned in the Second amendment. Citizens no longer need to protect the states or themselves.

College costs continue to rise, and student loan debt threatens to price many Americans out of a college education and out of the middle class.

Instead of starting a new nuclear arms race, now is the time to reclaim our Nation's position of leadership on nuclear nonproliferation efforts.

I think the greatest threat to the privacy of Americans is the drone, and the use of the drone and the very few regulations that are on it today.

Nuclear weapons present us with a paradox: We spend billions of dollars building and maintaining them in the hope that we never have to use them.

Women are beginning to feel that they are not fairly represented. As we say, 2% may be fine for fat in milk, but not for the United States Senate.

And in an issue with this kind of concern to a committee that bears the oversight responsibility, I think you can see that we're very dismayed about it .

We're not perfect, and there are some dark patches in our past, but what makes us special is that we recognize these evils, we come to grips with them, and we fix them.

Let me be crystal clear: There is no such thing as 'limited use' nuclear weapons, and for a Pentagon advisory board to promote their development is absolutely unacceptable.

What we're going to see is the emergence of the lone wolf rather than the planning of large numbers of people to carry out large attacks...Explosives are getting more sophisticated.

If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them... 'Mr. and Mrs. America, turn 'em all in,' I would have done it.

We have federal regulations and state laws that prohibit hunting ducks with more than three rounds. And yet it's legal to hunt humans with 15-round, 30-round, even 150-round magazines.

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