We will have health care reform in America.

I'm going to do what is best for the caucus.

This city of East St. Louis needs a tomorrow.

God is not a franchise of the Republican Party.

I prefer Raisin Bran. But I like the Mini-Wheats.

We have to really appeal to that sensible center.

I want to continue to serve as whip of the caucus.

We have to talk about the way we finance campaigns.

My wish is to bring the troops home as quickly as possible.

Our party is a diverse one, as is my home state of Illinois.

Sunlight is better than secrecy when it comes to making laws.

Social Security is the most important social program in America.

The last stop to protect rights and liberties is the Supreme Court.

No one should be allowed to purchase more than two firearms a month.

We want to move forward in a bipartisan fashion to solve our problems.

There is no question that tobacco is addictive and that tobacco kills.

I don't disagree with Senator McCain when he talks about the earmark process.

We have 11 million people in this country that need a pathway to citizenship.

The Supreme Court is the last refuge in America for our rights and liberties.

Magazine clips with more than 10 rounds should be prohibited from civilian use.

There are only two honest ways to reduce our debt: cut spending or raise revenues.

DACA, to me personally, and the DREAM Act are very personal and mean an awful lot.

Osama bin Laden is gone. The war in Iraq is over. Afghanistan is coming to a close.

Where would Monsanto be without the U.S. farm program and world-class research labs?

Across the VA's system in our state, the wait times are entirely too long on average.

Chairing any Appropriations subcommittee is both a great honor and weighty responsibility.

I urge the Department of Education not to settle for half-measures when it comes to students.

In going too far, they [presidents] have taken away the individual rights of American citizens.

I've been there; I've been in the minority before. It humbles the exalted. But that's all right.

We need to respect free speech, but we need to respect one another's rights to free speech, too.

We believe that there are aspects of border security that Democrats and Republicans can agree on.

I hope that Republicans in the House and Mr. Cantor will embrace that as part of immigration reform.

Any reports of animal cruelty should be thoroughly investigated and those operators held accountable.

I've been out to Walter Reed on unannounced visits. I've seen these soldiers. I've met their families.

Since 2000, I have proposed changing the Constitution so that our popular vote decides the presidency.

We've had enough with loopholes in our gun laws that allow dangerous people to get their hands on guns.

We ought to deal with Social Security in a separate conversation that is not part of deficit reduction.

I certainly want to be the whip, and that's an election every two years in the Senate Democratic caucus.

There is no question that the federal government sometimes overdoes it in issuing rules and regulations.

We've had enough with the gun shows where you can buy from private sellers with no FBI background check.

Giving a veteran a flag is not a substitute for giving our vets the quality health care they were promised

'Stand your ground' laws based on the ALEC model have had harmful consequences and need to be reconsidered.

We happen to believe that emissions going into the atmosphere are not good for us as humans or Mother Earth.

I think for all of us who call East St. Louis part of our heritage, we want to make a better day for the city.

American businesses and consumers deserve a debit card system with competition, transparency, and reasonable fees.

More people working and paying taxes reduces government expenditures and helps us move a little closer to balance.

With every new corporate inversion, the tax burden increases on the rest of us to pay what these corporations don't.

When you're talking about long-term deficit reduction, $4 trillion worth, entitlement reform needs to be part of it.

I've been impressed with Rick Guzman and his commitment to the residents of Aurora since I first met him many years ago.

You know, the purpose of reconciliation is to avoid the filibuster. The filibuster is an effort to talk something to death.

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