Blackberry Smoke is the real deal!

The radio is not show fun, it's show business. It's money.

I mean, the last thing I want to do is be involved in politics.

I'm always looking for things that make me kind of uncomfortable.

Country music has always been the best shrink that 15 bucks can buy.

In my 30s, I became more open to music other than country or bluegrass.

I think I've claimed the right to be any version of me that I want to be.

That's what we get to do as songwriters, right? You get to explore stuff.

I'm a member of the George Jones fan club, and I'm a member of U2's fan club.

Growing up in Arizona, I love fireworks, shooting off bottle rockets and M80s.

Hey, if someone is crushing on me, and it brings them out to the show, so be it!

A typical day for me on tour is a marathon - it's like five days rolled into one.

And if I want to get involved in choosing sides, I usually pick hockey or football.

I do see the world as being different for girls - especially now, having daughters.

I'm a huge fan of Billy Idol. I spiked my hair every day like him in 7th and 8th grade.

I try to make my box as big as it can be because I never want to do the same thing twice.

When I was 13, I was just figuring out how to play 'Eruption,' poorly, by Eddie Van Halen.

If I'm not on stage, I'm a pilot. I like flying planes; I have a little plane back in Nashville.

I got into rock music at thirteen, listening to Van Halen, learned how to play the electric guitar.

I get nervous playing the Opry still. You take that nervous energy and channel it into being amped.

When you go to the Opry for a show or hear it on the radio, you get the whole circle of country music.

I love bluegrass music, I love acoustic music, and I try at the right times to push that a little bit.

No, as an artist, you have to be free to explore all the corners of your heart. There are no boundaries.

I met Michael Jordan on a golf course! I don't even know what to say. I'm still freaked out that I met him.

I also was a huge 'Dukes of Hazzard' fan. I used to have T-shirts that said 'Dierks of Hazzard' custom-made.

Whether lyrically or musically, it reaches in there and grabs your soul. That's the stuff I gravitate toward.

My wife is cool enough to let me write about personal things, to be a songwriter exploring the shadowy sides of love.

I hope fans walk away still feeling like their batteries are charged. I want fans walking away high-fiving strangers.

Love always had my number. I could never patch a breakup together with whiskey and a one-night stand. I took them real hard.

And I'm the biggest country fan there is, but I'm always a little cautious of a slower song or just a song with subject matter.

As a songwriter, you might write every day and throughout the course of a year you might get four songs that are really special.

I want to be free to be any version of me I feel like being. I don't want to be McDonald's that serves the same food every time.

Most of my read on America is through looking through the front windshield of a bus and hanging out with country music fans backstage.

I never want to lose the audience's attention or break up the party, but at the same time, it would be weird not to do some new music.

That's what I love about Nashville and the music community - seeing kids around acoustic music and bluegrass picking parties is the best.

Music is my first love, and I can't step away from her. I love music, and I love playing and living the dream, but I also miss my family.

It's hard to make music when you're not excited about it. So trying new things and going for new things is something that I can enjoy doing.

I'm trying to call more and text less. I don't want to check my phone 5,000 times a day anymore. It was getting to me. I'm bringing 'old' back.

I try to make an album that reflects what I love about country music. It's not just all about happy parties all the time. There are some sad songs.

I listen to all types of music, but big rock records are the ones that, in the walk-up, make me wonder, 'What's this next set going to sound like?'

Only in country music can you compare an old pickup truck and an old guitar to your wife and turn it into a love song... Thank God for country music.

I try to make sure to get off the bus as much as I can, try to do something during the day that's local to where I am, whether it's hiking or fishing.

Meeting my wife changed everything; it really, in the long run, made me a much better artist, a much better songwriter, a much better maker of albums.

It's Frederick Dierks Bentley, but my whole family goes by their middle name - my sister, my brother. So from day one, I've always been called Dierks.

I remember somewhere in his 70s, my dad started wearing a nightgown - like an old-school grandpa gown! I can see how that might be somewhere in my future.

I feel like I've got a nice little niche where I stay just below the radar, which is perfect. I just don't want to be known for anything other than music.

I really love flying, but it's really nice to jump on a plane, sit back, and let someone else do the heavy lifting, but flying is my main passion for sure.

If someone wants a picture, I'm so honored and so flattered, and I hope I have a reputation as someone who goes out of his way to do those kinds of things.

Some people associate red with love, but to me, red is for an earlier stage of a relationship. Black is much deeper, to me. It's certainly the sexiest color.

The people I always loved listening to had a little bit of dirt under their fingernails because they had done some living and had these stories to talk about.

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