Accountability only works if you want it to.

The end of the rope stops in the palm of God.

Sometimes you are the answer to your own prayer.

We cannot do everything, but we can all do something.

Live today the way you want to be remembered tomorrow.

Change the world today. Start with the next person you meet.

How you live today has the potential to impact all eternity.

Our response to temptation reveals the substance of our faith.

If we are to be blessed, we must pursue the Giver of blessings.

We must not simply desire God; we must live in total dependence.

The response to stress is not less time in God's Word, but more.

Atheism is not a matter of the mind; it is a matter of the heart.

Our problems may tower over us, but God towers over our problems.

Whether we live in poverty or prosperity, we can still live generously.

God's love for others does not stop at the border; neither should ours.

Safety comes in our nearness to God, not in our distance from our enemies.

There is no secret formula--only a life committed to a close walk with God.

The solution to our human frailty is not to try harder, but to turn Godward.

True compassion sees each person as a brother or sister and acts accordingly.

What if every church in America had a ministry to stand against modern slavery?

You may not be able to measure God's love, but you can certainly experience it.

The poor are not a problem but rather an opportunity to show unconditional love.

The true test of faith is how we treat those who can do nothing for us in return.

God is never late and rarely early. He is always exactly right on time--His time.

Our God is known for His compassion for the needy; let us be known for it as well.

When you rest, realize it is not simply ceasing from activity…it is a gift from God.

To delight in the law of the Lord is to find our source of joy outside of ourselves.

The church is not a campus but a community. Pastors are not CEOs; they are shepherds.

In sharing how God is changing our lives, we find the lives of others changed as well.

We don't earn God's love; we receive it. We don't work for His approval; He approves us.

The emphasis in Scripture is not the amount we give, but the attitude with which we give.

When we ask God to transform those who oppose us, we are also asking God to transform us.

Our deeds will not cause God to love us more; our sins will not cause God to love us less.

The Bible's message is that you matter to God. Our response is that God should matter to us.

God's strength makes us strong; His comfort comforts us. With Him, we no longer run; we rest.

Be willing to be unliked and ridiculed in order to speak the words of the One who matters most.

No worldly pursuit compares to the joy of experiencing the change of one soul from death to life.

Each of us has our own specific vocation, a sacred journey prepared by the Creator of the universe.

When we realize the shortness of life, we begin to see the importance of making every moment count.

Many overlook the fact that Jesus was homeless. He did not only teach the poor; He lived among them.

We are not saved by good deeds; we are saved for good deeds. Jesus transforms us to transform others.

When others doubt the power of Jesus, be the one who asks Him to perform the impossible. He often will.

Let us not take what we eat for granted; let us view our meals as an opportunity to give our Lord praise.

Believers may come from different cultures, countries, or customs, but we serve one God who unites us all.

We may not understand why certain things occur in our lives, but we understand who to run to when they do.

We may not have the ability to change all of the world's wrongs, but we can make a difference where we are.

Everyone leaves a legacy, whether they want to or not. The question is, “What kind of legacy will you leave?

Let us not see today's troubles as a reason to give up; let us see them as an opportunity for God to deliver.

The actions you take today not only impact you; they influence generations. Every matter matters for eternity.

Let us live not only to serve God ourselves; let us live to help our children and their children live for God.

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