I love America, but I chose America.

I want to give Michael Moore a run for his money.

A bigot is simply a sociologist without credentials.

Christianity has always embraced both reason and faith.

Obama gets his identity and his ideology from his father.

I really want to move to a country where the poor people are fat.

Today the West exists only to bear witness to its own obsolescence.

For me, victory isn't measured by winning in the traditional sense.

Whenever the government is involved, there is an element of coercion.

Christianity is the very root and foundation of Western civilization.

Atheism, not religion, is the real force behind the mass murders of history.

I came to America because this is a country defined by ladders of opportunity.

American history is the story of Democratic malefactors and Republican heroes.

I am attracted to arguments that have a certain plausible originality to them.

I would argue that the issue of God and the issue of science have the same roots.

What was distinctively Western was not slavery but the moral crusade to end slavery.

Somehow freedom for religious expression has become freedom from religious expression.

Other countries have been founded by 'accidents of force.' America is a creation of thought.

Barack Obama is the most antibusiness president in a generation, perhaps in American history.

Life after death is the elephant in the living room, the one that we are not supposed to notice.

The allegation of some progressives that America is an evil empire is not simply wrong—it is obscene.

If you want to understand what is going on in the White House today, you have to begin with Barack Obama.

I'm completely Americanized - I have an American accent, an American wife - but a residue of me is foreign.

In the end, of course, Republicans ended slavery and permanently outlawed it through the Thirteenth Amendment.

Iraq is part of a legitimate American effort not to have democracy everywhere but to have democracy somewhere.

We can stay in Afghanistan and stabilize the situation, or we can get out and win, or we can get out and lose.

Barack Obama II is born in the Kapiolani Medical Center in Honolulu. His birth is recorded in two local newspapers.

America is simultaneously the most attractive and most repulsive place on the planet. It is most loved and most hated.

I believe the most compelling explanation of Obama's actions is that he is, just like his father, an anti-colonialist.

Anti-Americanism from abroad would not be such a problem if Americans were united in standing up for their own country.

Some critics accuse capitalism of being a selfish system, but the selfishness is not in capitalism - it is in human nature.

Capitalism encourages entrepreneurs to act with consideration for others even when their ultimate motive is to benefit themselves.

Christianity teaches that this life is not the only life, and there is a final judgment in which all earthly accounts are settled.

Liberal Christians are distinguished by how much moral and intellectual ground they can concede to the adversaries of Christianity.

Never assume, no matter how strong the temptation, that other people are low-life lying manipulators without a shred of human decency.

Liberty is the essential precondition for achieving virtue... In order to exercise virtue, we need to have the ability to choose freely.

Blacks' problems lie not in the heads of white people but rather in the wasted and incompletely fulfilled lives of too many black people.

C.S. Lewis said that conscience is nothing more than the voice of God within our souls; the bridge that links the creature to the creator

The paradox of liberal tolerance is that it extends to Marxists, transsexuals, and Islamic radicals, but not to conservatives or Christians.

...Slavery appears such a relatively mild business that one begins to wonder why Frederick Douglass and so many others ever tried to escape.

An interesting parallel: MLK was targeted by J. Edgar Hoover, an unsavory character. I was targeted by the equally unsavory B. Hussein Obama.

Christianity makes of life a moral drama in which we play a starring role and in which the most ordinary events take on a grand significance.

I don't want reporters to talk to me because I'm a revolutionary and if it got out that I'm basically friendly with Obama it would hurt Obama.

Most of the debates I've participated in have been on Christian college campuses or on secular campuses; so, largely before a student audience.

I want to create the largest archive of great God debates in existence: a Web site that becomes a great resource for both Christians and atheists.

In philosophy seminars, the choice is usually between good and evil. In the real world, however, the choice is often between a bad guy and a worse guy.

Obama doesn't know how to invent the iPhone; he can't start a successful business. He's never really worked in a business except for the briefest of times.

War on terror' is a misnomer. It would be like calling America's involvement in World War II a 'war on kamikazism.' Terrorism, like kamikazism, is a tactic.

'War on terror' is a misnomer. It would be like calling America's involvement in World War II a 'war on kamikazism.' Terrorism, like kamikazism, is a tactic.

My wife, Dixie, is evangelical Christian. We met in the Reagan White House, when she was a student intern. We're members of the Horizon Christian Fellowship Church.

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