Young men not ought to marry yet, and old men never ought to marry at ...

Young men not ought to marry yet, and old men never ought to marry at all.

Love comes with hunger.

I am looking for a human.

No man is hurt but by himself.

I am looking for an honest man.

Modesty is the color of virtue.

Blushing is the color of virtue.

The mob is the mother of tyrants.

Calumny is only the noise of madmen.

Nothing can be produced out of nothing.

All things are in common among friends.

Good men nowhere, but good boys at Sparta.

The sacrifice of Diogenes to all the gods.

A friend is one soul abiding in two bodies.

It takes a wise man to discover a wise man.

Stand a little less between me and the sun.

By worrying as little as possible about fame.

The great thieves lead away the little thief.

Let us not unlearn what we have already learned

The Sun visits cesspools without being defiled.

Chilo advised, "not to speak evil of the dead."

Poverty is a virtue which one can teach oneself.

I know nothing, except the fact of my ignorance.

The art of being a slave is to rule one's master.

I like best the wine drunk at the cost of others.

We have complicated every simple gift of the gods.

He has the most who is most content with the least.

Why not whip the teacher when the pupil misbehaves?

Most men are within a finger's breadth of being mad.

The sun, too, shines into cesspools and is not polluted.

What I like to drink most is wine that belongs to others.

One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings

The most beautiful thing in the world is freedom of speech.

I am not an Athenian or a Greek, but a citizen of the world.

I do not know whether there are gods, but there ought to be.

The foundation of every state is the education of its youth.

In a rich man's house there is no place to spit but his face.

Ability in man is an apt good, if it be applied to good ends.

There is a false love that will make you something you are not.

Virtue cannot dwell with wealth either in a city or in a house.

Man is the most intelligent of the animals - and the most silly.

I pissed on the man who called me a dog. Why was he so surprised?

Of what use is a philosopher who doesn't hurt anybody's feelings?

Asked where he came from, he said, "I am a citizen of the world."

The sun too penetrates into privies, but is not polluted by them.

There is only a finger's difference between a wise man and a fool.

Boasting, like gilded armour, is very different inside from outside.

Even if I am but a pretender to wisdom, that in itself is philosophy.

Dogs and philosophers do the greatest good and get the fewest rewards.

Democritus says, "But we know nothing really; for truth lies deep down".

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