I often joke that 100 years from now I hope people are saying, 'Dang, she looks good for her age!'

Believe it or not, I was just given an honorary doctorate degree from the University of Tennessee.

There's a scripture that says, 'A merry heart doeth good like medicine.' I think that's true, too.

I'm no angel if that's what you thought you found. I was just the victim of a man that let me down.

You can be rich in spirit, kindness, love and all those things that you can't put a dollar sign on.

I grew up around lots of men - my father, my brothers, my uncles - so I wasn't intimidated by them.

A real important thing is that, though I rely on my husband for love, I rely on myself for strength.

All the fame and fortune, glory and prestige, can't make me happy if it goes against what I believe.

When you're 40, you can't ride the fence anymore. You gotta make definite decisions about your life.

So many of my relatives didn't get a chance to go to school, and my own Daddy couldn't read or write.

Money is like the tide: It rolls in and it rolls out. If you clutch it, you are not going to keep it.

If teardrops were pennies and heartaches were gold, I'd have all the treasures my pockets could hold.

I have a tendency to be awfully big-hearted and it's very hard for me to say no, even when I need to.

I'm not going to limit myself just because people won't accept the fact that I can do something else.

I just kind of wake up with a new idea and new dreams every day, and I follow that dream, as they say.

For some reason, I have better luck when I work with women. I guess I have a good sense of sisterhood.

I have a good attitude. And I was born with a happy heart. I'm always looking for things to be better.

My husband said 'show me your boobs' and I had to pull up my skirt... so it was time to get them done!

There are certainly a lot of things that still need to change when it comes to women in the workforce.

I'll just wait right here for you cause I know your new love won't last. I wound easy, but I heal fast.

With the first money I ever made I bought my Mommy and Daddy a car, and helped them fix their house up.

If you talk bad about country music, it's like saying bad things about my momma. Them's fightin' words.

I'm working on my life story. I'm not decided if it's going to be a musical or a movie with music in it.

Someone once asked me, 'How long does it take to do your hair.' I said, 'I don't know, I'm never there.'

I think the fact that I look totally artificial, but I am totally real, has its own kind of magic in it.

I have two favorite colors - white and yellow. White makes me feel light and airy. Yellow makes me happy.

You're not going to see your dreams come true if you don't put wings, legs, arms, hands, and feet on 'em.

You're no Elvis Presley, I'm no Marilyn Monroe, but I do think you're sexy, just thought I'd tell you so.

I've tried different things through the years to get some play on mainstream. I'll try to tailor-make it.

Well, my smile's pretty hard to miss, considering I'm a gal who likes her lipstick-the redder the better.

I'm in showbiz. I look at my boobs like they're show horses or show dogs. You've got to keep them groomed.

I don't like to get involved in things that I am not familiar with. I'm kind of a hands-on type of person.

Our own freewill, to choose the paths we take, no greater deed could ever be done than for another's sake.

I figure if I keep my health, I have no intention of retiring. I love to work. I want to be like Bob Hope.

You are the song of every bird, you are the poet's every word, every artist's picture, every writer's play.

Adjusting to the passage of time is a key to success and to life: just being able to roll with the punches.

I hated school. Even to this day, when I see a school bus it's just depressing to me. The poor little kids.

Living in America and, of course, just being women in general, we've got more strength than we think we do.

God has his plans and his reasons. Sometimes we are supposed to go through things so that we learn lessons.

I love to make things happen, I love to see things happen, I love to be a part of things that are happening.

Anyone who knows or cares anything about real country music will agree that George Jones is the voice of it.

You can bet there's something fishy going on. I guess some large mouth bass left that lipstick on our shirt.

No matter how beautiful a woman might be, you're always threatened by certain... You're always threatened by

I don't judge. I'm not God. We're supposed to be less judgmental and accept and be kind and love one another.

The hardest exercise for most of us fat people is that one where we push our chairback from the dinner table.

I think there is a little magic in the fact that I'm so totally real but look so artificial at the same time.

When you come from where I come from, if anyone in the family makes it out, the others kind of come with you.

Thanks to Botox and fillers, as well as the work that I've already had, my face pretty much maintains itself.

I'm so thankful I can write songs. I can capture all those memories in my songs and keep those memories alive.

Well, I do listen to God for direction, but I really don't have time to listen to other artists all that much.

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