People are looking for something a little more stable; people are feeling like they need to get closer to God.

Speaking of the devil, well here he comes now. Got my defenses down. And I'd go through hell to make him mine.

I'm always amazed by the people who work on stage who sing night after night, day after day, week in week out.

That's the great thing about a sense of humor and a sex drive, you can't wait to share it with everybody else.

I still believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and true love. Don't even try to tell me different.

I love Indian, Italian and Mexican food. And if it's a romantic type of thing, I like a good French restaurant.

I bought all those [fitness] videos -- Richard Simmons, Jane Fonda. I love to sit and eat cookies and watch 'em.

After momma gave birth to 12 of us kids, we put her up on a pedestal. It was mostly to keep Daddy away from her.

I'm old enough and cranky enough now that if someone tried to tell me what to do, I'd tell them where to put it.

People are always asking me in interviews, 'What do you think of foreign affairs?' I just say, 'I've had a few.'

Mama sewed the rags together, sewing every piece with love. She made my coat of many colors that I was proud of.

Kenneth Hari is a true artist and in my opinion a psychic. When he is painting you, he feels your heart and soul.

If there's something bothering me in the business end of things with people I work with, I just say it right out.

People think I'm as shallow and superficial as I look, and it's a surprise when they find out, sure enough, I am.

lots of women buy just as many wigs and makeup things as I do ... They just don't wear them all at the same time.

'9 to 5 the Musical' is perfect for anyone that's ever wanted to string up their boss, which is almost all of us.

I'm not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I'm not dumb... and I also know that I'm not blonde.

If you're feeling low, don't despair. The sun has a sinking spell every night, but it comes back up every morning.

I don't know what the big deal is about old age. Old people who shine from the inside look 10 to 20 years younger.

My husband and I had to raise five of my younger brothers and sisters. They lived with us. We sent them to school.

It's almost like being trapped in some other form. The real me is so different from the way I look on the outside.

Years ago when I first started being a big star I had fans that were fanatical. It was when "Jolene" was a big hit.

I usually get up at 3 A.M. I don't require a lot of sleep, and if I get tired, I'll take a powernap during the day.

I try to see the good in everybody, and I don't care who people are as long as they're themselves, whatever that is.

Some things are strange to me, and some things are odd. But I don't condemn. If you can accept me, I can accept you.

After Momma gave birth to twelve of us kids, we put her up on a pedestal. It was mostly to keep Daddy away from her.

When I was a little girl, I always dreamed of being a star. I didn't really know what all that meant. I didn't know.

I do think there's gonna always be a group of country people that are always going to love the old traditional sound.

Adjusting to the passage of time, I think, is a key to success and to life: just being able to roll with the punches.

I prefer my music. I'm more of a one-nighter kind of person than to do a squat-down job for three months or whatever.

I always loved that old song Banks of the Ohio - it was always such a man's song, so I've always wanted to record it.

Understanding isn't learned from punishment and anger. An iron has no gentle touch, and love ain't learned from hate.

Years ago, when I first started being a big star, I had fans that were fanatical. It was when 'Jolene' was a big hit.

My nails are my rhythm section when I'm writing a song all alone. Some day, I may cut an album, just me and my nails.

When I started the Imagination Library in my hometown, I never dreamed that one day we would be helping Scottish kids.

Stop this attitude that older people ain't any good anymore! We're as good as we ever were - if we ever were any good.

Jump out of bed and I stumble to the kitchen, pour myself a cup of ambition and yawn and stretch and try to come alive.

Being born was the worse and the first mistake I ever made. The doctor didn't spank me, he just slapped me in the face.

I can't tell anybody else how to run their life or their business, but I really believe I've got a good bead on myself.

I always loved that old song 'Banks of the Ohio' - it was always such a man's song, so I've always wanted to record it.

I've been guilty of most of the stuff that's been said about me to some degree. And if I ain't done it, I probably will.

I'd love to develop and star in my own children's show, write children's books, do children's albums, movies, DVDs, etc.

If you can read, you can find books on anything you want. You can self-educate even if you can't afford to go to school.

In fact, I bought our first family television with my own money, putting it on credit and then paying it off every week.

Johnny Cash has only passed into the greater light. He will only become more important in this industry as time goes by.

Got those moods a swinging, tears a slinging, nothing fits me, when it hits me, ranting, raving, misbehaving, PMS blues.

Sometimes a song just has to cater to whatever's goin' on. A well-written song is a song that stays true to the subject.

I'm almost like three people. There's me the, Dolly, the person. There's me, the star. And then there's me, the manager.

People like bluegrass. It's had a following amongst a lot of hip and young people. A lot of college kids like bluegrass.

I believe in my cosmetics line. There are plenty of charities for the homeless. Isn't it time someone helped the homely?

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