Fashion is not frivolous.

I like perfume and flowers.

I don't like my physique at all.

I think I asphyxiated my children.

Elegance is always in style for men.

Hollywood is a very inspiring place.

For me, music gives a voice to fashion.

I was always crazy even before the drugs.

Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas.

There's time to slow down, after you're dead.

In fashion, only sexy won't go out of fashion.

In fashion, only sexy won’t go out of fashion.

Just like music evokes emotion, so can garments.

Fashion is a weapon that you can use when you need it.

Giving up my heels was harder than giving up the drugs.

I think sex is part of life, like eating and breathing.

Fashion is about dreaming and making other people dream.

New York is full of creative people, not only in fashion.

You can be too boring, but you can never be too seductive.

Haven't you heard? I sleep every night in the deep freezer!

I always wear high heels - I simply feel naked without them.

On a hanger, no dress is sexy. It's just fabric on a hanger.

Gianni created the whole thing. I came later and helped him.

Heterosexual men like to be sexy more than gay men, honestly.

I have long been a fan and enthusiast where art is concerned.

In Italian there is an expression: We don't sleep on the fame.

In my life I had no other choice than to become a strong person.

In order to be responsible, you need some discipline in your life.

I know who the Versace woman is because I wear the clothes myself.

Die and born again, die and born again. It's the story of my life.

I know who the Versace woman is, because I wear the clothes myself.

A business woman needs a successful mix of design and practicality.

For me the safety pin is about rebellion, and I'm punk in the soul.

Fashion is not frivolous. I am a businesswoman, a very serious person.

I'd need an incredibly talented make up artist to make me look natural!

My style is not that big. I wear heels, tight pants, and I wear diamonds.

The man of the millennium is much more liberated than the man of the '90s.

Fashion needs fresh blood, and London is the most creative place for that.

It's good to see the children be creative. It's the pleasure of the future.

I don't like balance. Balance is not a word you can use in Versace fashion.

I've learned how to appreciate what I have. And it's a lot. I'm very lucky.

I don't think about making sexy clothes. It's just my instinct to make them.

During the eighties and nineties, people wanted to be chic, elegant, bourgeois.

How do I keep young? Haven't you heard? I sleep every night in the deep freezer!

The body should be reconfigured by the clothes, never again the other way round.

Fashion is all about happiness. It's fun. It's important. But it's not medicine.

I think people need to see Prince live to really understand how remarkable he is.

I love Alexander McQueen. I like the construction of his suits. I think it's fantastic.

Something has to change in the world. Without change, young people will have no future.

I think glamour all the time. I wake up in the morning and I’m already thinking glamour.

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