I love green juices.

I take really good care of my body.

I am able to really enjoy the positive attention I receive.

I like to take care of myself and know what foods I should be eating.

Growing up in the north of Holland, I had a healthy and balanced diet.

Drink a lot of water, wear big sunglasses, and don't wear make-up on the flight.

I have a voluptuous body. I am not one of those skinny girls. I like to enjoy life.

Ahead of going on the red carpet, in the morning, I'll put on a clay mask to prepare.

I've realized that I really like spending time in the countryside and having a garden.

I'm a big French fry girl. I try to avoid them, but sometimes you just need to indulge, so I go for it!

You only hear the horror stories - that after a baby, you never get your body back - but it's not true; it depends on your life beforehand.

I've biked my whole life. We didn't have bus service when I was going to school in Holland, so I biked around 25 kilometers to school every day.

In any job, you have to give up certain things, and I believe that having a good quality of life means enjoying certain things only in moderation.

If I really don't feel like it, I'll change my plans and choose to be with my baby. If that moment makes me happier, I think that's more important.

I am definitely a summer person. Don't get me wrong: I love winter when it's beautiful and sunny - I don't really care about cold - I just hate the grey.

When I am with my mum, I am happiest and healthiest. She always taught me how to eat healthily. She always cooked from the garden, and it was always organic.

I think the most important thing is to always clean your face and ensure your make-up comes off at night. Going to bed with make-up is just so bad for your skin.

I know it's a cliche, but the sun makes me happy. When you can feel the sunshine on you, you feel better, happier, and naturally, every human being needs the sun.

My mom and dad both would grow vegetables. So, when I delivered my baby, we went there, and she would cook a lot, and we would eat all the vegetables from their garden.

I maintain a healthy lifestyle all year round for my job, but I definitely try to eat extra clean the night before a shoot and make sure to fit in a workout so that I feel my best.

I wanted to become a teacher, like my mother, or a charity worker. But my mom says that when I was younger, I told her, 'People are going to know me,' so I guess I always had that idea.

Sometimes it's a struggle to keep up with my own photos, where the lighting is perfect, the makeup is done, and the images have been retouched. That's not what I see when I look in the mirror!

I feel like it's always important to curl your eyelashes. I always do when I wake up and you know you look tired, when you curl eyelashes and put mascara it makes such a huge difference, so that's the trick that I always use.

If I've been working a lot and I've been away from my kids, then I don't go to the gym. It's okay to miss a day. I tell myself not to feel bad about it, too, because then it's a waste if you choose not to do something and feel bad.

I don't always feel sexy even though I have to look it, and I've just learned to go into on-and-off mode. I'm a mom at home, and then I go into work, and it's nice to have that contrast. I see a different person in the mirror when I'm at work with hair and makeup than when I'm home.

I've always known that beauty is also from the inside - if you're happy, that will shine through - I've always believed that, but since I've started having a family, I became even more happy, and I think it even shows more. I've also become more successful since I've become a mother.

I feel I'm such a big part of that insecurity that some girls might have because of my job, that girls think they have to be that picture. And even boys, they think that that picture exists, and it's so frustrating because I don't look like that picture - I wake up not looking like that picture.

With kids, I have less time for things like masks - though I do try to treat myself, after they've gone to bed, to a mask or something. It's kind of funny because, as you get older, you probably need to do more in terms of beauty, but actually, you have less time to do it. But becoming a mother has made me a stronger person.

Sometimes when I pose for pictures, people say it's impossible that I have a flat stomach without working out like crazy and having a personal trainer, and sometimes they get mad at me, and I find that hard because I think there's a lot of women who have the same thing happening to them because they lived a healthy, active lifestyle.

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