Harry Potter is awesome.

Be a true Heart, not a follower.

Be yourself. Embrace your quirks.

I've always had really messy hair.

Kiss me like you want to be loved.

Without you to hold i'll be freezing.

I don't know if my songs fit in films.

It's too cold outside for angels to fly.

The worst things in life comes free to us

I'll be drunk again to feel a little love.

Be original; don't be scared of being bold!

I know you'll never love me like you used to.

The tongue has no bones, but can break a heart.

I want to have a career that evolves as I go on.

Why didn't kill me it never made me stronger at all.

I've fallen for your eyes, but they don't know me yet

Everyone still thinks I'm Scottish - that's totally wicked.

I want to make the songs good. I think this is my main focus.

Negativity isn't the way to go, smile more, eat some chocolate

If Adele's seen as boring, then I'm happy to be boring as well.

Pizza is a circle. Pizza is my life. Pizza is the circle of life.

If love what you can't have, then you have to love what you've got

I wanna be drunk when I wake up, on the right side of the wrong bed.

I met Bill Clinton; he's a very nice guy. Yeah, Bill Clinton's cool.

People fall in love in mysterious ways. Maybe it's all part of a plan.

I think I've been around for a while. But I still have to pay my dues.

In my eyes, there's no one better than Stevie Wonder. He's a top dude.

Never be friends with your exes if you weren't friends with them before.

If I ever have any back-up dancers, I want the penguins from Madagascar.

I've always been a massive fan of John Mayer. I think he's very talented.

I kind of like the way that I came up as an artist. I like experimenting.

Some of my tattoos are a bit silly, but I know where and what time I got them.

For me, Spotify is not even a necessary evil. It helps me do what I want to do.

Success is the best revenge for anything. Keep ya head down and work hard to achieve.

'Kiss Me.' That's my 'Twilight' tune, a song you'd have on the 'Twilight' soundtrack.

And you should never cut your hair 'cos I love the way you flick it off your shoulders

I get tweets every single day going, like, 'I'm so glad you weren't on 'The X Factor.'

I get tweets every single day going, like, 'I'm so glad you weren't on 'The X Factor.''

I think if you have someone without a sense of humor, you're less likely to be together.

I don't ever want to be perfect, Cause I'm a singer that you Never want to see shirtless

Instead of writing songs for girls, I tend to write albums, which I guess is a bit weird.

I don't really do that whole 'single life' thing. I'm kind of heads down and get things done.

I think the music I've created is quite odd, and people are going to start talking about that.

No one else is going to do it for you, if you want it bad enough then go out and do it yourself.

Ser un chico normal de 22 años, probablemente no es tan divertido como ser parte de One Direction.

The whole 'studly womaniser' thing, I mean, I quite enjoy the title - it's just not very accurate.

I really don't know what's good or bad art because all the art I like people tell me is tasteless.

Moments is about a girl dying and her boyfriend committing suicide because he can't live without her

I do like my hair. It took a while to come around to the fact that it was quite a unique value point.

And I know these scars will bleed, but both of our hearts believe all of these stars will guide us home

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