It’s fun to be in a place where ridiculous is normal.

Editing and post-production is so important with comedy.

If I have the TV on, it's either a Mets game or 'SportsCenter.'

The fact of the matter is, it's hard to find good movies, period.

Everyone seems to relate to the awkwardness of being a teenager, or even a 30-year-old.

I've been lucky enough to be too busy for TV because if I'm not, I'll get stuck in front of it.

I've been working on 'The New York Times' crossword puzzle on the subway. I can make it until about Wednesday.

When you have an iPad and 75 books on it, it's so easy to go, 'I'm bored, I'm just going to read something else.'

Being born on Halloween, there's always a party. It's a convenient birthday because you don't really have to organize a party.

I am a Facebook voyeur. I feel bad about it because I never put anything on there, but I find it fun to sit there and watch peoples' lives go by. Or whatever lives they're presenting.

I read a lot of news online, but I like buying a paper because I'll read an article I wouldn't normally read. And more often than not, the articles that you don't expect to care about are the ones that grab you.

What's great about HBO is they just care about quality. They care about the brand. They're not worried about ratings; obviously they want people to buy subscriptions, but they just want people to be into what's on HBO.

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