I'm not a top-five player yet.

Like Zidane I want to inspire the kids

You want to win the games, to win trophies.

I want to work with the best coaches in the world.

The FA Cup for all the fans does mean something special.

The Premier League is difficult. The small teams can beat the big teams.

I knew that Chelsea was a club that changed its manager reasonably often.

When you are young, you sometimes play one good game and then one bad game.

Great players inspire you. The best player I played with was Gervi (Gervinho)

People will see me at Chelsea the way I am and judge me the way they want to.

My target is to give everything, and only if we win the trophies will I be relaxed.

Chelsea have made a good investment for me, but I did not put any pressure on them.

You question yourself all the time as a footballer. You have to focus on the positives.

We feel good. We are full of confidence. We take game after game and try to win every game.

It's true that Tottenham tempted me because it was a young team which was third in the league.

If my wife was to say, 'Honey, I'd like you to go to PSG', I would have to take it into account.

You have to be ready for all the games and be at 100 per cent if you want to win in this League.

I ask myself what I can do to become like Messi and Ronaldo and score 50 or 60 goals in a season.

The future is always the same, and that is to win trophies - next season, in two and three years.

You mustn't smile when you lose. You have to be sad like other people. You have to win every game.

It's true that I'm even better than I could have imagined, both in football and in my private life!

I always liked No. 10 because I loved Zidane. He was my role model. I always wanted to play like him.

Chelsea are not made to play football. We're good on the counter, a little bit like Real against Bayern.

Deep down, I never wanted to see Mourinho fired. We experienced some very beautiful things together in 2015.

I am happy with my form; I just need to score a couple of goals. I want the ball. I want to create something.

With experience, you improve. I'm a better player now, more complete than I was when I was player of the year.

I can still take the hits; it's not a problem for me. I accept the blows. I can take the punches like a boxer.

I watched videos of great players. I was inspired by what they did, then I used to try things out in training.

I didn't want to go to Chelsea, because I wanted to play the Champions League and they were sixth in the league.

Football is good, but family, close friends, my brothers - I have family everywhere - is the most important thing.

It never became an obsession for me to score at all costs. I've always said that I'm not a big scorer, I'm a worker.

I dont want to return to France, because Ive won everything there - league title, cup, best player, best young player

We don't look at records, but if we can make history in this club, we will. It's not only about Chelsea, this league.

I'm somebody who can laugh even at myself. That happens now and again, when I've made a mess of really simple things.

I have always been the same player, but Conte knows how to treat players, having played at the highest level himself.

I'm not in search of records like some other players. If I can score between 15 and 20 goals each season, I will be very happy.

It is hard to say no to PSG - as with all teams capable of winning the Champions League, There is always uncertainty in football.

I know how to make the difference. When I make the difference, I often do it at the end of the match, and that shows that I am fresh.

The Belgian fans expect a lot of me in the Belgium team. It is normal - they don't forget that I cost Euros 40m. I totally understand.

Individually, I am very happy because I can play in every game. I can be on the pitch and do what I like to do, which is play football.

If I ever leave, it'll be after winning a championship. You need to go out on a high so that people remember you for the right reasons.

Chelsea are a big club - we have to win titles and to qualify for the Champions League. There's a lot to do, but we'll try to do it all.

Kante is a good player. For me, it is good because he speaks French. We know he is a fantastic player; he runs a lot and works for the team.

We are professionals. We know when we're playing badly, so if you have a poor game, you work in training to put things right so form comes back.

I've always said I wanted to play in England. There was a struggle between Chelsea and United, but according to me, Chelsea has the best project.

I spoke with Abramovich. He is very simple and loves football. We were on the same wavelength: he wants to confirm Chelsea's position at the top.

Any strengthening of the squad, in a League and Champions League which demands so much, is a good thing because you need many top quality players.

The FA Cup is something we want to win, but when you play for Chelsea, it is not something you think about a lot because you want to win every game.

For the strikers, we have more freedom, and even when we lose the ball, if we press together, we can get it back, and it is good system for Chelsea.

When I get the ball with my back to goal, I like to be in touching contact. I need to feel the guy. He will try to take the ball, and I will go past him.

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