In Napoli, they trust me.

Every player has his way of playing.

I try to give everything for my team.

I like playing football wherever I can.

I am a footballing worker - I am not a star.

The English teams are very difficult to face.

It's always good to get back to your teammates.

I am a hard worker who looks to give everything.

I have to work hard, just like any other player.

It's an honour for me to be one of PSG's forwards.

I focus a lot more on the collective than the individual.

Some players like to go out partying, but I like the quiet life.

I was born a footballer. Before I could walk, I was chasing balls.

You always hope new players complete the team with their qualities.

I am aware that I am not extraordinarily gifted in terms of technique.

I play for pleasure, for the passion that I have as a football player.

As long as I am playing football, I am prepared to play wherever I have to.

The Palermo supporters are very passionate, but the Azzurri fans are unique.

Football is a team sport, and each person plays a role - this is what counts.

I always have the hunger to score, to be on the pitch and finish the team's moves.

I read the Bible every day, study it, and share with my wife the blessings of faith.

Football is about sacrifice, dedication, a lot of work, and friendship off the pitch.

I have great respect for the Premier League, for the teams, and the great players there.

I would like to see Premier League teams play in Ligue 1 so we could see how good they are.

If I have team-mates who can win individual accolades, then I will do everything to help them.

The most important thing is that everybody is professional on the pitch and gives 100 percent.

Fishing gives me peace, tranquillity. And also, as a forward player, it helps me with my eyes.

Nobody has the right to negatively judge a player like Balotelli, as people can make mistakes.

Football is my passion, and who knows where I will play in the future - you cannot foresee that.

You never know what emotions will emerge. They can come on suddenly, when you least expect them.

I will not speak about my private life, but I am a professional, and I will always give my best.

To get to the top, you must put in a lot of hard work, but you also need to be blessed with talent.

I give the maximum. If things go well, I'm happy for myself, for the team, for the club, for the fans.

It is the entire team that has to work together. Football is a team game. We all have to give our all.

In every team I have played with, and of all of the attackers I have played with, each one was different.

In football, sometimes things happen that are outside of your control, leading the club to make decisions.

For Brazil or any other national team in the world, to play Uruguay is a commitment and a very tough match.

The Napoli fans want players who put their heart and soul into the match and who fight for every possession.

I have always had a lot of responsibility, and I have always been committed wherever I have been asked to play.

My objective is not to play for money, as I just want to leave good memories. That is the most important thing!

There's a lot of politics in football, and sometimes the real values of the sport, those human values, get lost.

I feel good next to Zlatan. He is a player of great class. He scares opponents because he can score at any moment.

The best teams in Europe play in the Champions League, and when you face them, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

When you reach the moment to score, it is like liberating different emotions such as joy, happiness, and also satisfaction.

A striker scores goals, but the goalkeepers saves them, the defenders close chances down, and all the credit is shared out.

At Napoli, the greatest player of all time played here - Diego Armando Maradona. The fans expect the best, and quality players.

Every footballer knows the Premier League is a great league. It's very competitive, and it's among the best leagues in the world.

It's a personal challenge for me, to give the best of myself, to win titles, to score goals for my team, and to help when needed.

I am an athlete for Christ. That's why I play for Him, to give Him glory, to thank Him for giving me the ability to play football.

My style of game is a bit of a mix between a modern player and a traditional striker, more aggressive. The real, ultimate finisher.

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