People do not decide to become extraordinary. They decide to ...

People do not decide to become extraordinary. They decide to accomplish extraordinary things.

Boredom has always been a problem.

Some day I'm going to climb Everest.

It's all bullshit on Everest these days.

I was definitely very much a country boy.

It's not the moutain we conquer but ourselves.

I'm definitely a Queen supporter. She was great.

It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.

It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.

Life's a bit like mountaineering - never look down.

It's not a real adventure when you have to pay for it.

No one remembers who climbed Mount Everest the second time.

There is precious little in civilization to appeal to a yeti.

I think that a good mountaineer is usually a sensible mountaineer.

I have never regarded myself as a hero, but Tenzing undoubtedly was.

Everest you won't change, but I will get better...I will conquer you.

Motivation is the single most important factor in any sort of success.

When you're climbing at high altitudes, life can get pretty miserable.

Even when you're 50, you can make the effort to improve your standards.

Strong motivation is the most important factor in getting you to the top

Human life is far more important than just getting to the top of a mountain.

When I was climbing, I built up a close relationship with the Sherpa people.

I hate being called an 'icon.' I just don't like it. That's all there is to it.

Nothing can replace courage, a resounding motivation and that little bit of luck.

On the summit of Everest, I had a feeling of great satisfaction to be first there.

Once I've decided to do something, I do usually try to carry it through to fruition.

I am inclined to think that the realm of mythology is where the Yeti rightly belongs.

I still had the same affection for New Zealand as I've always had. Didn't change at all.

Challenge is what makes men. It will be the end when men stop looking for new challenges.

With practice and focus, you can extend yourself far more than you ever believed possible.

I get older I get more cantankerous, but June [Hillary] gets a bit more cantankerous, too.

I will come again & conquer you because as a mountain you can't grow, but as a human, I can

Adventuring can be for the ordinary person with ordinary qualities, such as I regard myself.

The truth is, I'm just a rough old New Zealander who has enjoyed many challenges in his life.

I have discovered that even the mediocre can have adventures and even the fearful can achieve.

I enjoyed climbing with other people, good friends, but I did quite a lot of solo climbing, too.

Many people have been getting too casual about climbing Everest. I forecast a disaster many times.

I've always hated the danger part of climbing, and it's great to come down again because it's safe.

I think it all comes down to motivation. If you really want to do something, you will work hard for it.

I am a lucky man. I have had a dream and it has come true, and that is not a thing that happens often to men.

I was extremely lucky that I had two great wives. It sounds a bit funny to say that, but it's absolutely true.

I was not a beater of children and as a consequence I've always been, I think, very agreeable and co-operative.

My mother really was the strength in our family. She would sort of keep us in line and I admired her very much .

I was a dreamer when I was at high school and even primary school. I used to dream about doing adventurous things.

I have to admit I do get a bit depressed at times and you know I think about the good old days when I was charging ahead.

As a youngster I was a great dreamer, reading many books of adventure and walking lonely miles with my head in the clouds.

I was scared many times on Everest, but this is all part of the challenge. When I fell down a crevasse, it was pretty scary.

Take advantage of the years of pioneering efforts. You might find this boring, as the young want to rush head on, as it were.

I had a very strong desire to carry out adventures, but in those early days I didn't actually do any. I just dreamt about it.

I don't regard myself as a cracking good climber. I'm just strong in the back. I have a lot of enthusiasm, and I'm good on ice.

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