If you're willing to fail interestingly, you tend to succeed ...

If you're willing to fail interestingly, you tend to succeed interestingly.

Every monster was a man first.

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Art has an obligation to offend

Progress is a set of assumptions.

Art should never try to be popular.

You want to dance with me, angel tits?

A writer is a controlled schizophrenic.

I swear, if you existed I'd divorce you.

I write to find out what I'm talking about.

Why we are here is an impenetrable question.

Death is release, if you've lived all right.

Any definition which limits us is deplorable.

There is chaos behind the civility, of course.

Musical beds is the faculty sport around here.

Art is nowhere near as dangerous as it should be.

Never marry for money; you can borrow it cheaper.

Creativity is magic. Don't examine it too closely.

All plays are social comment to one extent or another.

I created myself, and I'll attack anybody I feel like.

He that has been bitten by a snake is afraid of a rope.

You gotta have swine to show you where the truffles are.

Good writers define reality; bad ones merely restate it.

If you have no wounds, how can you know if you're alive?

The only time I'll get good reviews is if I kill myself.

There are only two things to write about: life and death.

I suppose, writing a play is finding out what the play is.

If Attila the Hun were alive today, he'd be a drama critic.

A play is fiction and fiction is fact distilled into truth.

A lot interests me - but nothing surprises me particularly.

It's a good idea to have friends both in Heaven and in Hell.

I have a fine sense of the ridiculous, but no sense of humor.

A play is fiction - and fiction is fact distilled into truth.

Dashed hopes and good intentions. Good, better, best, bested.

My sense of reality and logic is different from most people's.

There are always going to be more actors than anybody can ever use.

Influence is a matter of selection - both acceptance and rejection.

It is a lazy public which promotes a slothful and irresponsible theater.

School curricula that ignore the arts produce highly educated Barbarians

When people don't like the way a play ends, they're likely to blame the play.

I suppose if you simplify things, it's going to make it easier to understand.

That's the happiest moment. When it's all done. When we stop. When we can stop.

What I mean by an educated taste is someone who has the same tastes that I have.

I think you remember everything ... you just can't bring it to mind all the time.

I am convinced that no one is fully educated without a full grounding in the arts.

I don't like symbolism that hits you over the head. A symbol should not be a cymbal.

First, I'll kill the dog with kindness, and if that doesn't work, I'll just kill him.

Martha: Oh, I like your anger. I think that's what I like about you most. Your anger.

Some things that make sense to me don't make the same degree of sense to other people.

The thing that makes a creative person is to be creative and that is all there is to it.

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