Beauty is very intimate.

I like people who work hard.

Women are truly, truly awesome.

I'm not afraid of being told 'no.'

I'm a lover and consumer of beauty.

Nobody said being platinum was easy.

I read every single comment that comes in.

Where Halloween is concerned, I peaked in 2007.

So much of venture capital is pattern recognition.

Everyone says to hydrate on the plane, but I don't.

Elin Kling is one of the most stylish women I know.

I'm on Instagram more than any other social platform.

When your lips get dry, is there anything more frantic?

It's very important to me to have a female venture capitalist.

I've had such an inspiring and formative journey in my career.

Sunscreen, in the world of beauty, is the ultimate in adulting.

That power of the individual person - just the girl - is infinite.

I love supporting female-owned companies and women who are awesome.

Products are a way to connect with - or disconnect from - who you are.

I would rather be 'oily' than 'dry' on pretty much any part of my body.

Glossier - our content, our products - it's for all for you; it's ours.

I like books that explore identity and youth culture or rites of passage.

When you own a pair of haircutting scissors, you cut your own hair constantly.

This is hard to admit, but historically, I haven't worn sunscreen. I know - not good.

I like a semi-stressful massage - one where I can really feel something being worked out.

In our product development cycle, we ask and listen to our customer about what she wants.

People talk about body cleanses like there's no tomorrow - what about apartment cleanses?

Our message has always transcended borders and cultures and is central to who we are as a brand.

Your skin is like a plant. You have to water it. Make sure it's hydrated, not just squeaky clean.

My December is typically one big, sweaty 'wintry mix' blur, not a punch-laden, heartwarming mixer.

I like to get rid of things; I don't collect many things. But I do keep great photography and art books.

I must admit that self-tanner is one beauty arena I've been hesitant to explore, let alone fully embrace.

I am, in fact, a candle salesperson's worst nightmare - or dream come true, depending on the salesperson.

If you look dull, the easiest thing to do is wash your face with water, and immediately you look refreshed.

Ultimately, we're making and selling a consumer good that needs to work and that needs to make customers happy.

I've had some not-great experiences with laser hair removal, probably because I haven't done what they told me.

I always thought 'Into The Gloss' would be successful, but I didn't really know what my definition of success was.

Into The Gloss is buoyed by the people on it, the people who read it and discuss it, and the people who work on it.

I just grew up loving beauty products. Going to the mall, and the Stila counter in the '90s. I was obsessed with hair dye.

My musical inclinations are fine and dandy within the confines of my ears and my earphones but don't sit well with others.

In beauty, there's this idea of this perfect picture, and I think, 'How about being present in the now, and a little messy?'

In my humble opinion, having tons of products and furniture and magazines and clothes is not luxurious - living minimally is.

You learn a lot about people when you're sitting on their bathroom floor or on their toilet seat, rifling through their stuff.

Instagram has a faster chance of reaching me than CNN, and if I really want to know what's going on, I refresh my Twitter feed.

Augmenting your appearance so drastically that it elicits a reaction from literally every acquaintance you greet is a sea change.

A huge number of women are shopping for beauty products based on recommendations from friends, and we really look to be that friend.

You can make a million excuses for why something didn't go well, but ultimately, just fix it and get on with it. Be a solutions person.

Freedom and confidence are two different things, in my book. Confidence is overrated - it can be faked, whereas freedom is fearlessness.

I just have to stop biting my nails. I've been on and off that bandwagon so many times. I feel like it's going to be a lifelong struggle.

Glossier is not about throwing out everything you're using. If you want to keep using your retinols, your SPFs, of course you should continue.

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