You can't fool children.

God designed humans to live in community.

Jesus was and is the enemy of dead religion.

We all have different strengths, different gifts.

We're commanded by God to worship God with our mind.

He did not hope that God heard his prayers; he knew it.

Every country has things to be proud of and to celebrate.

The power of forgiveness transcends personal relationships.

I'm the author of several books, including children's books.

The truth is many singles deeply desire and pray for marriage.

God gave men and women work to do in the Garden before the Fall.

True faith is not a leap into the dark; it's a leap into the light

I think most people have no idea about what religious freedom means.

Young men, more than anything, need good role models in their lives.

Men and women are complements to each other, physically and otherwise.

Bonhoeffer thought of death as the last station on the road to freedom.

No one knows what the future holds, except the One Who holds the future!

There was only one reality, and Christ was Lord over all of it, or none.

If God is God, he is the God of reality and facts and science and history.

David Frum, every now and again, comes up with something pretty darn brilliant.

Atheism tells him what he isn’t, and like all of us he yearns to know what he is.

It's one thing to be innocent and another thing to be naive or willfully ignorant.

A Christian worldview impacts every area of life. Including making your house a home.

Work allows us to take care of God's creation and bring glory to Him as His stewards.

All of us, believers and non-believers, desire some kind of fellowship and connection.

Christianity contains within itself a germ hostile to the Church (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

Six-hundred-page biographies of German theologians aren't known to fly off the shelves.

Largely, the people driving abolition did it because of what they believed from the Bible.

There's already a world of evidence that life on Earth is unique and intelligently crafted.

I have no doubt, if people are really seeking the big questions, it will lead them to the Lord.

We've gone all the way from foolishly accepting authority to foolishly rejecting all authority.

Thankfully, forgiveness, and the healing it brings in its wake, has nothing to do with 'deserve.'

Belief in God is an act of faith. But so is believing our existence is simply the result of chance.

It was not apathy or passiveness. For him, prayer was a display of the strongest possible activity.

As Christians, we sin with anger because we lack faith in God's ability to provide for or protect us.

Many in our increasingly secular culture want to chase Christians out of the public square altogether.

Women are, I think, moved by the idea that self-sacrifice is noble and can be the source of great joy.

The only leader America should ever have is someone who understands that the people are the government.

The freedoms we have enjoyed in America - and spread around the world - are incredibly fragile freedoms.

The logical conclusion of relativism is absurdity. Non-sense. A worldview that undermines its own premises.

Religious liberty is the salt and light that has made us the great nation we are in a whole number of ways.

I think the fact that I use salty words in my Bonhoeffer book would tip you off that I'm no prude, exactly.

Religion is the most fragile of all freedoms. And that's because it is the most threatening to those in power.

If the main contribution that Christians make to culture is complaining about it, we're doing something wrong.

To try to preemptively shut down debate with name-calling is profoundly un-American and will harm this country.

We've always been the most generous nation in the world when it comes to caring for those outside of our borders.

Restricting the religious impulses of Americans is precisely like killing free enterprise with too many regulations.

Ideas have far-reaching consequences, and one must be ever so careful about what one allows to lodge in one's brain.

Where did God come from? It's certainly more complicated than trying to figure out where, say, Barry Manilow was born.

Whether one believes in miracles or the miraculous has mostly to do with the presuppositions one brings to the subject.

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