Singularity shows something wrong in the mind.

You can't be creative and still be a good girl.

If you don't risk anything, you risk even more.

Flesh is merely a lesson. We learn it & pass on.

Since flesh can't stay, we pass the words along.

I've never been able to control my public image.

Women are individuals in parenting, and why not?

Having stopped expecting truth, we rarely get it.

Men and women, women and men. It will never work.

Each day that I don't write I get more fragmented.

No one ever found wisdom without also being a fool.

we write as if our lives depended upon it. They do.

I don't think that sex necessarily produces intimacy.

You're not too fat; you're just in the wrong country.

It's hard to do fiction and nonfiction simultaneously.

Murky language means someone wants to pick your pocket.

Photographs are the most curious indicators of reality.

Underneath it all, you longed to be annihilated by love.

The older we get, the more Jewish we become in my family.

Why do analysts always answer a question with a question?

Compose with utter freedom and edit with utter discipline.

Writing about sex turns out to be just writing about life.

All people believe their suffering is greater than others.

Fear is a sign-usually a sign that I'm doing something right.

How could one create life with someone who represented death?

Women are not the richer sex. Women are not equal in society.

We write poems / as leaves give oxygen - / so we can breathe.

The best slave does not need to be beaten. She beats herself.

I've become more conservative about sex as I've gotten older.

The worst thing about jealousy is how low it makes you reach.

I don't cook. My mother didn't cook. My daughter doesn't cook.

Beware of the man who denounces psychiatrists; / he is afraid.

There is no loneliness like the loneliness of a dead marriage.

The trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more.

It's easier to write about pain than about joy. Joy is wordless.

Court, in our society, is often the last resort of stubbornness.

I am not sure if love is a salve or just a deeper kind of wound.

Show me a woman who doesn't feel guilty and I'll show you a man.

When everyone thinks they know you, it's hard not to be guarded.

Exceptional people are often called crazy by the ordinary world.

writers do not choose their subjects; their subjects choose them.

The most important thing for a writer is to be locked in a study.

A new dog never replaces an old dog, it merely expands the heart.

Fame means millions of people have the wrong idea of who you are.

Sex just as a drive, as a hormonal drive, is not very interesting.

The Passion that one Soul hath for God cannot be judged by another.

what was time but a convention, a habit of mind, a custom of dress?

And the trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more.

Never joke with the press. Irony does not translate into newsprint.

When you start having lunch and actually eating, it's already over.

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