Work hard; be ethical.

Jason Katims is fantastic.

I'm an NPR and KCRW person.

I'll continue doing good projects.

My first thing was a McDonald's commercial.

I'm not straight up and down. I have curves.

I love 'Lost' and 'Mission: Impossible III.'

The SAT is not particularly relevant to my life.

I had a big 'New York Times' crossword puzzle phase.

Erinn Hayes is hysterical in person, and I love that.

When a woman makes up her mind, she gets what she wants.

Scientology helps me in acting to focus on communication.

FaceTime is a life saver for relationships and for family.

After 'Traffic,' I was a total homebody. I was still a kid.

I've always been a good flier. I love the whole experience.

'Confirmation' is the movie I'm super proud to be a part of.

I want to do a love story. I really want to do a love story.

I look like a sweet, corn-fed kid. My roles are my rebellion.

I'm a goody two-shoes who's never taken anything stronger than Tylenol.

I cook a lot. I'm always experimenting. I'm not much of a recipe follower.

Love scenes feel very mechanical. But our whole job is to make it look real.

My bike is my main form of transportation, so I've got a red clip-on taillight.

I'm more proud of my upper body. Let's just say I'm a typical female in that way.

My buddy lost about 100 pounds cycling. He took me on a 31-mile loop. I was hooked.

There are photos of me with my Pony trucker hat, sideways. Truly, awesomely, horrible.

I love the idea of my daughter looking back at her childhood and growing up with a dog.

Having convenience when it comes to fueling your body is definitely an important thing.

It was when I met everybody on 'The Perfect Score' that, like, nightclubs became a thing.

There are nearly 7 billion people on this planet, so there are a lot of characters to play.

It's funny to say its fun to explore someone's really rough time, but it is. It's exciting.

I want to do an action movie where they say, 'Go the gym and get ripped like Linda Hamilton.'

I've found that a lot of my male friends have great style and great appreciation for designers.

Number one, as an audience member, I tend to like violent movies and TV shows because it's not real.

I'm close with my whole family, but it requires email and texting because they don't all live nearby!

We were worried about that actually. The cast was thinking that they'd lose their minds. But we didn't.

I'm pretty vocal about my healthy lifestyle choices. I do try to eat organic, high protein and gluten free.

I think part of the beauty of our relationship with jewelry is that it can change and evolve as we do ourselves.

I got to work with Jeffrey Wright, which is fantastic. I started out starstruck, but he's so cool, so it was all OK.

If I can't find anything good, I am just going to have to get my butt in gear and start learning how to do everything.

If I had to sum it up, the goal of Scientology is giving the person back to themselves. Like, your own power of choice.

I told my parents I wanted an agent, and they decided to let me have a go at it. Then I started working right away. I was 12.

I don't know if my agent will be upset but I quoted him saying that he would jump out a window if I turn down another project.

I tend to be a fan of darker shows and love 'The Americans,' 'Ray Donovan,' 'True Detective,' 'House of Cards' and 'Peaky Blinders.'

I think that's just a natural instinct as an actor is that you want to just keep exploring humanity and finding different facets of it.

I can change my mind and can learn other things. And anything I don't know, I'm capable of learning if I so desire or if it's necessary.

I have pictures from work that I'm sending to my family. I send them scripts that I'm working on so they can be excited and know what's up with me.

Those auditions - you sit down, and literally the whole time you're there, they scrutinize you, and you know that. But you can't take it personally.

I can be a binger when it comes to information, but most of the time, I'm pretty good, and I try to focus on my own life and personal communication.

There's a lot in Scientology that develops confidence because there is peace, I think, that I've gotten just to know that what I do know, I do know.

When I first started going on the red carpet, I wore a lot of Armani, but I didn't really have my own style apart from that. I think I was just lazy.

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