You'd be amazed how much research you can get done when you have no ...

You'd be amazed how much research you can get done when you have no life whatsoever.

Going outside is highly overrated.

A river of words flowed between us.

One person can keep a secret, but not two.

Everybody uses pop culture as a shorthand.

I have a thing for evil bald bad guys. The Kurgan is too sexy.

No one in the world gets what they want and that is beautiful.

It is on!" Aech shouted into his comlink. "it is on like Red Dawn!

'Star Wars' was the mythology of my youth. I longed for adventure.

I was obsessed. I wouldn't quit. My grades suffered. I didn't care.

Growing up in rural Ohio, I knew my way around a double-wide pretty well.

I think it's a bit silly to brand the Internet as the 'downfall of youth.'

Video games paid for my house. What am I saying? Go ahead and keep playing!

As far as my house, I have a ton of video games and three or four old consoles.

It's weird that, in a way, by writing about video games, I get to develop them, too.

It's so much better to hand over a finished book than having all these people waiting.

You’re evil, you know that?” I said. She grinned and shook her head. “Chaotic Neutral, sugar.

I spent most of my childhood welded to my Atari 2600, until I got my first computer, a TRS-80.

Being human totally sucks most of the time. Videogames are the only thing that make life bearable.

The clans began to bombard the outer force field with rockets, missiles, nukes, and harsh language.

Personally, I'm kind of swirling in this hurricane of virtual reality because of 'Ready Player One.'

I have to avoid things like 'World of Warcraft' or 'Minecraft', otherwise I'd never get any work done.

I've heard Stephen King say that when you write a novel you end up revealing everything about yourself.

Virtual sex, no matter how realistic, was really nothing but glorified, computer-assisted masturbation.

Gibson wrote 'Neuromancer' on a typewriter, you know, before the technology he was writing about existed.

'Fanboys' was the first real screenplay that I ever wrote that was an original story with my own characters.

I'm incredibly nostalgic for the '80s, because I think that's when Geek Culture really kicked in to high gear.

My characters are all kind of geek archetypes of people I've encountered at gaming and comic book conventions.

For one quarter, Black Tiger lets me escape from my rotten existence for three glorious hours. Pretty good deal.

I love stories like 'The Terminator' movies and 'The Matrix,' where our machines become self-aware and turn on us.

You were born at a pretty crappy time in history. And it looks like things are only gonna get worse from here on out.

I created the OASIS because I never felt at home in the real world. I didn't know how to connect with the people there.

I was 7 years old when the '80s began and 17 years old when they ended, so it was an incredibly formative decade for me.

I was one of the boys who made passes at girls who wore glasses. Any girl who was smarter than me - that was a huge turn-on.

Whenever I watch 'The Matrix,' I think that it is possible, but I don't think that it's going to be machines enslaving humans.

"Lights," I said softly. This had become my favorite word over the past week. In my mind, it had become synonymous with freedom.

I burned through all of my extra lives in a matter of minutes, and my two least-favorite words appeared on the screen: GAME OVER.

I wanted to be able to write in the voice that I talk to my friends and assume that everybody would know what I was talking about.

Cops pull me over just to get a better look. They never give me a ticket, even if I'm speeding, but they will ask to take pictures.

Now, a lot of early VR worlds or universes that are coming online take inspiration from 'Ready Player One.' It's just the coolest thing ever.

I've wanted to own a DeLorean since I was 10 years old, but it always seemed like a silly daydream. Like owning the "A-Team" van or something.

I've wanted to own a DeLorean since I was 10 years old, but it always seemed like a silly daydream. Like owning the 'A-Team' van or something.

I've been to Oculus a few times to do book signings and things there, and they tell me 'Ready Player One' is, like, required reading for new employees.

I felt like a kid standing in the world's greatest video arcade without any quarters, unable to do anything but walk around and watch the other kids play.

I've been invited to speak at about 20 colleges. There's always this moment when I'm having dinner with the college president: 'Ernie, where'd you go to school?'

I'm surprised that VR has come about so quickly. It's lucky I just happened to write a book imagining virtual reality right on the cusp of it actually happening.

I never ran out of ammo, because each time I fired a round, a new round was teleported into the bottom of the clip. My bullet bill this month was going to be huge.

My favorite video game of all time is called 'Black Tiger'. It's a Capcom Dungeons and Dragons game from 1987. I have the actual arcade version sitting in my office.

In a zombie apocalypse movie, nobody's ever seen a zombie movie. Or in an alien invasion movie, nobody has ever seen an alien invasion movie, like 'Independence Day.' that everyone could vote from home, via the OASIS, the only people who could get elected were movie stars, reality TV personalities, or radical televangelists.

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