There are too many awards shows.

My dad was Quaker and a businessman.

I cried when I saw how flat Toledo was.

You know how to stay young? Go with the flow.

I don't wake up and say, 'Gee, it's a nice day, and I'm a legend.'

My mom lived to be 91, and her advice was, 'Honey, just keep moving.'

I hear the theme from 'Psycho' every time I take a shower. I lock the door.

When people think of a Hitchcock movie, it isn't just the visual, it's the sound.

I was Sweater Queen at Bowling Green State University. Oh, that's a laugh, isn't it?

I don't get nervous on a stage; I don't get nervous in interviews. I don't get nervous.

What is it like when you see me in all these films and then you meet me? Were you intimidated?

I am very patient. I take pride in being patient with my husband, my children, my grandchildren.

Painters can study the masters can't they? Musicians can hear Beethoven. What will filmmakers do?

I just want to do some movies that my children and my grandchildren would be proud of. That's my yardstick.

You know, you do it, and you get paid for it, and you have a wonderful time, then you're on to something else.

You reach a certain age, and you're so proud that you're walking and breathing and loving and working and all of that at 90.

I want to show people that if you walk, if you eat the right things, if you don't have stuff done to your face - that's okay.

I think if you meet the right person in life and you fall in love, that is a miracle. My husband saw me on the subway. That is a miracle!

I can't sit around having coffee. I have all these appointments, and a lot of my friends sit around having coffee talking about the jobs they didn't get.

Actors can be good, say all these beautiful, wonderful things - but where does it come from? It comes from the writers, and people kind of forget that sometimes.

I find a lot of swearing in films. And I guess that shows my age. But I also feel that where they say those words, they could just as easily have written other words.

I don't think a lot of people - when they associate you with Hollywood, they don't want to think of you as normal. They want to hear, you know, all the stuff in Hollywood.

As you get older, you're doing different parts, but the young people, like yourself, they keep you excited, because they'll see Waterfront, and they'll want to talk about it.

I can watch movies that I've been in, and if there's an emotional scene, I remember specifically what I was using, what I was thinking about, because I am very specific in how I work.

It all has to do with the director, the captain of the ship. He sets the pace, the mood. If the director is quiet, the set is quiet. If the director is loud, then everybody has to be louder to be heard.

I had an agent once who wanted me to make many more movies. I said, 'I can't. I can only do one a year, if that. I have children, young children.' And he said, 'Well, I guess you won't be a superstar.' And I said, 'Well, I guess not.'

The longer you live, the smarter you get because you've been around. You've seen things. You've gone through different emotional experiences in your own life, and hopefully, you understand things better. And that makes you a better actress.

I was in the chorus in high school, not a soloist. I was on the basketball team. I was in modern dance, part of the group. I was a cheerleader, part of the group. I played the violin, part of the orchestra. I never wanted to be out there alone. Ever.

I was in awe of Robert Osborne, the man, and his incredible talent. Like everyone else, I loved watching him introduce classic films on TCM. But I was fortunate to also get to know him in real life by spending time with him and being interviewed by him over the years at events around the country.

I don't know how I would have gotten through this life without someone to really love me and I love them, him, and them [family]. It's forgiving. Love is very forgiving to one another and your friends and it's a powerful, powerful emotion and it's my favorite emotion in life. Now, write that down and read it and remember it.

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