What I'm really interested in is freedom.

Geography does not define you - love does.

I think the human species is very suicidal.

Decide whether you want to be liked or admired.

I really want to help stop violence toward women.

The love is all around us. I made a life of love.

Stop trying to fix your body. It was never broken.

stop fixing your bodies and start fixing the world!

Dance has a transformative effect on bodily trauma.

People are more afraid to love than they are to kill.

I am so grateful to be alive. It's ridiculous to be alive.

Go so far away that you stop being afraid of not coming back.

When you bring consciousness to anything, things begin to shift.

I wake up every day and I think, 'I'm breathing! It's a good day.'

One of the most radical things women can do is to love their body.

I despise charity. It gives crumbs to a few and silences the others.

Real security is contemplating death, not pretending it doesn't exist.

I have been struggling to find my way back into my body my whole life.

I feel passionate about nurses. I would do anything for nurses. Anything.

I think to be cut off from your heart is the greatest tyranny in the world.

My commitment originated in my own story and my own relationship to violence.

Unless men are active allies, we'll never end violence against women and girls.

Security isn't what I hunger for. I hunger for change. I hunger for connection.

If you are divided from your body, then you are divided from the body of the world.

Danger lurks when people are dissociated and detached from their own story or feelings.

Since cancer, I feel like I have dreams rather than ambitions, visions rather than plans.

I have been a depressed person most of m life. I was always in the throes of self-hatred.

Money doesn't make you special, it makes you lucky. Be generous, be crazy, be outrageous.

When we give in the world what we want the most, we heal the broken part inside each of us.

The clitoris is pure in purpose. It is the only organ in the body designed purely for pleasure.

I was born in Manhattan and grew up in Scarsdale. Scarsdale didn't work for me as a place at all.

Once you are diagnosed with cancer, time changes. It both speeds up insanely and stops altogether.

I think violence against women in America has become ordinary - it's been made absolutely acceptable.

Success itself doesn't give you happiness. It's what you do with your success that gives you happiness.

I think we have a tendency in America to keep dividing ourselves, separating ourselves from each other.

Whatever culture, whatever country, girls are taught to please others as opposed to pleasing themselves.

Dance is holy, sexual, and it's a way of being very powerful and a little dangerous without being violent.

You have to give to the world the thing that you want the most, in order to fix the broken parts inside you.

I would rate the fact that I get to be alive a big beautiful 10. Satisfaction with myself - work in progress.

Cherish your solitude. Take trains by yourself to places you have never been. Sleep out alone under the stars.

The only point of having power it seems to me is to empower others. The only point of leadership is to inspire.

We must stop being polite and behaved and find new inventive tactics to shift the paradigm. We are the majority.

In America, we have a government that is now run by white nationalists, by billionaires, by incredible misogynists.

Theater has an incredible capacity to move people to social change, to address issues, to inspire social revolution.

I think all my work's been about how do women get back into our bodies; how do men get back. We're all disassociated.

To have insurance and have a diagnosis and to have doctors, I just felt it would be immoral on some level to complain.

The older you get, the more you are aware that everybody has a certain way of seeing things, which they have to honour.

I think the thing that has always made me happy is being in the struggle, in a community of struggle with other people.

When you rape, beat, maim, mutilate, burn, bury, and terrorize women, you destroy the essential life energy on the planet.

The mechanism of violence is what destroys women, controls women, diminishes women and keeps women in their so-called place.

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