Enjoy it while it lasts.

Netflix is something I watch.

I like the work that I get to do.

Nobody sets out to make a bad film.

The Dutch are a very practical people.

I am attracted to the dark side of life!

I personally like to do independent films.

I've lived in New York for a really long time.

I never follow anybody's path, what they've done.

I'm intrigued by the dark. Out of darkness comes creation.

I look a certain way. I have a very specific kind of look.

I would rather not work than play in a movie that nobody watches.

I live in New York. I don't really particularly want to move to LA.

I'm 5' 11" as I proudly say - just so I don't have to say six feet.

I'm trying to fight typecasting as hard as I can, while I have time.

I love scary movies. The Shining and Don't Look Now are two of the best.

I keep pushing buttons and trying to grow as a person and as a filmmaker.

The only way to do is just to go for it, otherwise it ends up looking phoney.

My French is still good. That's a beautiful language and I'm happy to speak it.

Film has played such a big part in my life, in my impressions of the United States.

I think every movie is its own little world, and a director certainly sets the tone.

I think there's a big misconception out there about actors and the choices they have.

If you do well as an actor, a good director will pick up on it, and keep it in the film.

Robert De Niro... It seemed like a pretty cool thing to do to put his name on my resume next.

Jean Grey, the Phoenix... she finds a way to reincarnate herself constantly, so one never knows.

I enrolled in an acting workshop and my first acting role was on the TV soap opera 'Melrose Place.'

Just because youre of the same sex, what difference does it make? Get married to whomever you want.

You don't ever know with films. You just hope for the best, but sometimes it's a bit of a crapshoot.

Just because you're of the same sex, what difference does it make? Get married to whomever you want.

Once you achieve a certain level of success or fame, it becomes really difficult to go against type.

We've always been ready for female superheroes. Because women want to be them and men want to do them.

I always feel like I want to do my career my own way. I never follow anybody's path, what they've done.

Triple tonguing? It was sort of invented. It wasnt in the script. It was something that I came up with.

Triple tonguing? It was sort of invented. It wasn't in the script. It was something that I came up with.

I started as a model in Holland and Chanel took me to New York when I was 19, after which I decided to stay.

There's certain things I try to avoid, as an actress, just to keep my world from being as narrow as it could be.

When someone holds a knife to your throat it's easy to be scared. It's not hard to imagine what it would be like.

I felt different born into a family with two sisters who are blonde and blue-eyed, with me being the only brunette.

It's not as if you can act bigger to fit the surroundings or the budget more. Whatever, it just doesn't work that way.

Ever since I started as an actress, just to catch up on some money, but not having an income for three years was tricky.

I don't even have cable anymore, or a television. I just watch on computers. It's clearly the future of where we're heading.

As a European I had fit in almost seamlessly in New York for the last 25 years, but in Oklahoma I stood out like a sore thumb.

When somebody walks into a room they give off a certain kind of vibe or whatever and at that point that's how you're going to cast them.

Disneyland is supposed to be the happiest place on Earth and I have to say when I'm riding around in that crazy Space Mountain ride I'm happy.

I love stories about two people who are doing illegal things, who we really enjoy watching despite the fact that we know they are doomed in some way.

I don't think about better. You just want it to work. You want it to work and you have your guide with the script. You want it to exist and complete.

I love the first two X-Men movies because I thought that Bryan Singer did such a great job. He elevated that whole genre. He's a very talented director.

The biggest challenge is how you get money for independent films, in these ever-changing times when most people don't really want to invest in that anymore.

I like to go from mainstream movies to more artsy films. I don't sign on for the money. Maybe I should, but I don't. There's always a good reason for doing something.

I try not to have high expectations of people because it just sets you up for disappointment, but it's great to work with actors who are that talented and accomplished.

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