Our minds can shape the way a thing will be because we act according ...

Our minds can shape the way a thing will be because we act according to our expectations.

Fate is written in the face.

All art is autobiographical.

You exist only in what you do.

A creator always needs excuses.

The visionary is the only realist.

Nothing is more honest than a dream.

Life is a combination of magic and pasta.

The greatest danger for artists is total freedom.

Censorship is advertising paid by the government.

A different language is a different vision of life.

Don't tell me what I'm doing; I don't want to know.

If you see with innocent eyes, everything is divine.

I spent my life trying to cure myself of my education.

My work has always been the thing that justifies my life.

It is only when I am doing my work that I feel truly alive.

Experience is what you get while looking for something else.

I make pictures to tell a story, to tell lies, and to amuse.

The picture is in your head, in your imagination, everything.

Money is everywhere but so is poetry. What we lack are the poets.

It's easier to be faithful to a restaurant than it is to a woman.

If you do what you were born to do, I think you will never grow old.

All art is autobiographical; the pearl is the oyster's autobiography.

All art is autobiographical. The pearl is the oyster's autobiography.

I always direct the same film. I can't distinguish one from the other.

I always direct the same film. I cannot distinguish one from the other.

The artist is the medium between his fantasies and the rest of the world.

Never trust a woman who doesn’t like to eat. She is probably lousy in bed.

There is no end. There is no beginning. There is only the passion of life.

Regrets are a waste of time. They're the past crippling you in the present.

Even if I set out to make a film about a fillet of sole, it would be about me.

The only place where you can be a dictator and still be loved is on the movie set

I think that one can have luck if one tries to create an atmosphere of spontaneity.

A created thing is never invented and it is never true: it is always and ever itself.

According to the doctors, I'm only suffering from a light form of premature baldness.

A good opening and a good ending make for a good film provide they come close together.

God may not play dice but he enjoys a good round of Trivial Pursuit every now and again.

A good opening and a good ending make for a good film provided they come close together.

Marriage, if it is to survive, must be treated as the beginning, not as the happy ending.

There is abundant testimony that if we choose love rather than self, we gain immeasurably.

Peellaert's comic strips were the literature of intelligence, imagination and romanticism.

No matter what happens, always Keep your childhood innocence. It's the most important thing.

If there were a little more silence, if we all kept quiet...maybe we could understand something.

When I do things without any explanation, but just with spontaneity...I can be sure that I am right.

I never make moral judgments; I'm not qualified to do so. I am not a censor, a priest, or a politician.

I do not need a producer. I need only a good production manager. I need only a man who will give me money.

Realism is a bad word. In a sense everything is realistic. I see no line between the imaginary and the real.

Marriage is a tyranny, a mortification of man's natural instincts. Man needs a multiplicity of relationships.

Nietzsche claimed that his genius was in his nostrils and I think that is a very excellent place for it to be.

As a writer and director, I want to know what is behind the good manners and soft voice. Who is inside the silhouette?

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