No one expected me to become a champion.

One who does not fall, does not stand up.

The one who doesn't fall, doesn't stand up.

In my opinion, faith helps in many contexts.

I gain strength out of familiar surroundings.

Only if God tells me to come back. No other way.

I do not talk about my weaknesses, I work on them.

I never believed I was the best fighter in the world.

With my victory, I must always remember that I glorify God.

As human beings, our lives should be in retrospect with God.

Training for a fight is never easy, regardless of the opponent.

It is God who gives us the opportunity to win and to get victories.

During the fight my senses dim, and basically, I don't feel any pain.

I've never considered myself as a legend - just a simple man with heart.

I have no special strategy. I can just wait to see what my opponent offers.

If people think they've found my biggest weakness, let them try to take advantage of it.

I train and prepare for every contest the same so I can compete to the best of my abilities.

As far as the UFC, if they offer us a fair deal, then we would be open to fighting in the UFC.

I've always fought as a heavyweight, and I didn't see any reason to fight at a lighter weight.

My weight is not enough and strength is not enough either, so I have to take the fight by mastery.

It's essential for a fighter to go separately and just focus on training away from everybody else.

I always like and appreciate the support for the fans; I am very grateful to everyone who supports me.

Dan Henderson has been a fighter for a long time, and he's been a champion in many different organizations.

Most importantly, you have to stay true to yourself as well as those fans who made you who you are as an athlete.

I like this feeling of weariness after training, when I'm walking home exhausted, dragging my feet. I like this a lot.

I always remember that I am a representative of my country, and I always think about the culture I'm bringing to people.

I've already fought my share. God gave me a rich, eventful career, and I thank God for everything, but I'm done fighting.

The first thing I saw was that Brett Rogers had his way very quickly - in 20 seconds - with a UFC champion, Andrei Arlovski.

I don't know how much the other fighters make. But I need to tell you that, for myself, money is not the first consideration.

The UFC didn't want me to fight there so what could I do? We were unable to make a deal. They offered unacceptable conditions.

A strong person will not be nervous and not express aggression towards his opponent... he will face the fight calm and balanced.

One needs to live every day according to God's commandments. And then any kind of difficulty or unpleasantness will be manageable.

In terms of Rogers, I can't comment on how other fighters in the UFC would fare with Brett Rogers because that's just speculation.

People are making judgements about Russian people based on me. This is why I never allow myself any aggression towards my opponent.

I've never pumped myself up or made myself angry as some sportsmen do. I think that one should treat his opponent with great respect.

I am the face and ambassador of sambo. The organization I'm working is trying really hard to make sambo a sport on the Olympian level.

A real strong fighter should always look dignified and calm... I believe that any expression of aggression is an expression of weakness.

Spirit, like body, needs to be trained. So I think it's necessary to make your spirit stronger. And for he who believes, anything is possible.

I have fought all over the world, and I am excited to be in 'EA Sports MMA' because this game is going to show the global appeal of mixed martial arts.

I try to perform honestly during the fight, and I always remember that I'm a representative of Russia. I try not to bring any aggression. Just honesty.

As someone that was a good ambassador of a growing sport, that always wanted to fight the best fighters and always gave the fans the best he could give.

A true athlete is someone who doesn't just stop training when they stop competing. It's a way of life, and they keep in shape just to keep up that standard.

I'm very grateful to God for what he gives me. Victories, remarkable victories, but you have to go through the defeats. That is why I praise God for everything.

Cain Velasquez, he has some technical difficulties, but he has ambition, and he's fearless. He wants to win so badly, and he's in great condition. He's a thinking fighter.

Years ago we hardly had anything to eat. Now I earn more money and I see every opponent as a man that tries to put me back to that poorer period. That man has to be eliminated.

If Dana White can offer a contract that's not one-sided, and it's not cumbersome to the point where we look at it and realize that we can't fight for him, then we'll fight in the UFC.

For every athlete, it is very important to be able to engage in their favorite thing, give all the best in training, performing in competitions, defending the honor of the motherland.

While I'm an athlete and while I'm fighting actively, I don't intend to pursue a career in politics. What happens after that, we'll see. But I don't have an intention to do both at the same time.

Actually, when I fought in PRIDE, we had the best fighters in the world. Back then, the UFC had a very serious and big crisis; they were going through some tough times trying to get top fighters. All the best fighters were in PRIDE.

I try and make it possible for beginners to start training MMA and not be scared of it as a sport. I try to actually give them the skill set that is necessary - to feel comfortable, maybe not on a big level. And not just Russia, but worldwide.

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