Purpose without virtue is vanity.

Nobody has ever gifted me anything.

At Liverpool, winning is customary.

My only path has always been to work hard.

If I score against Liverpool I will not celebrate.

I am a professional, and I always fulfil my deals.

I had the best three years of my career at Liverpool.

When I was a child, my dream was to play for Atletico.

As a kid, I never once dreamt of playing for Liverpool.

If football was a drug, I would have died from overdose.

The things you cannot change you can't waste your time on.

In the dressing room, you can never lose that group concept.

You have to prove yourself every day. You have to live for today.

My baby will be growing up in Liverpool, so we have another Scouser.

Ronaldo is different from Messi. He is very impressive down the wings.

It was very hard to go through life as a small boy supporting Atletico.

Messi is the best. I have not seen or will ever see a player like Lionel Messi.

When young players become one of the best in the world, everyone wants to sign them.

I learnt that if we won, it didn't matter that I hadn't played. I had to keep working.

I always live in the present. I never dream about what might happen. Why? It might not.

I left in Liverpool a lot of friends. I have a very good relationship with all of them.

When I get to connect with people, I'm not in my head anymore and I like that, that's nice.

I like changing my hairstyle, much to my mother's annoyance. It depends on my state of mind.

Liverpool had a lot of success under Rafa Benitez, and that is difficult for anyone to follow.

Chelsea gave me all the trophies I have as a football player. I saw my kids growing up in London.

A player wants to be remembered for what he has won, for the medals, for what he has given his club.

At Liverpool, I had almost everything but titles. I felt like a king, but the team was falling apart.

Atleti fans always demand your all on the field, and I guarantee that I will give them that and more.

If we win trophies, we have the chance to win individual awards because it comes with the team targets.

Chelsea gave me what I was looking for when I left Liverpool trophies. I'll always see it as a success.

I know my statistics have not been the same as in other years but I'm fighting to get back to those statistics.

I want to say thanks to the Chelsea fans because I have seen them very, very happy with me for joining Chelsea.

You can have a contract that is better than your friends, but no player looks back and says, 'I won more money.'

I just do not see myself playing for Madrid. They do not attract me, especially because of my past with Atletico.

The Premier League is tough because, as soon as you lose a couple of games, you're out of the race for the league.

I'm a quiet guy, but on the pitch, it's different. You have to do everything you can to win and help your teammates.

The Champions League is a big ambition and all the footballers want to play in it. It is a very important competition.

Domestic titles are very important, but to win the Champions League, you are saying, 'We are the best team in Europe.'

The Champions League is a big ambition, and all the footballers want to play in it; it is a very important competition.

For me, Real Madrid are just like any other club, like Barcelona, Milan, Bayern Munich, or Inter. Just another big club.

My father worked every day; my brother and sister had to travel many hours to study, so Atletico were for people like us.

I want to thank my two English clubs: Liverpool for bringing me to the Premier League and Chelsea for the trophies I won.

Steven Gerrard is the best player I have played with throughout my career; therefore, my ideal player would be very like him.

I have good memories and bad memories of games against Chelsea. All the goals are good memories because all of them are special.

Liverpool was a special city that took to me; I will always remember how special that place was. I obviously don't miss the rain.

Football is a team sport and not an individual sport. We win as a team, and every individual is better if we are part of the team.

I can be very shy. I really like to stay at home with my people because I'm really shy. My wife is as well; we're both really shy.

I was not a Liverpool fan or a Chelsea fan in Madrid. I was an Atletico fan. I still am. Maybe they're the only badge I will kiss.

My son is a Liverpool fan, and he was already kicking a ball before he was one. He was born in the football city, he had no choice.

My son is a Liverpool fan, and he was already kicking a ball before he was one. He was born in the football city; he had no choice.

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