Creativity means not copying.

If you think well, you cook well.

What's wrong with transforming food?

If I don't have pressure, I don't function.

I don't worry about the things I can't change.

Innovation, being avant garde, is always polemic.

I cant live without activity; I cant be sedentary.

You need an entire life just to know about tomatoes.

I can't live without activity; I can't be sedentary.

I use the kitchen as a pathway to achieve this happiness.

There's so much information that there is disinformation.

I think my virtue was I never thought "This is impossible.

I never even dreamed of being a chef, and that's fundamental.

There is not a good or a bad cuisine, just the one you like the best.

We didnt create dishes. We create preparations to create many dishes.

I had a very normal childhood, and my mother cooked very normal food.

What you feel like eating at any given moment is what you should have.

Risk is to do something that 99 percent of the time would be a failure.

The menu de degustation is the finest expression of avant-garde cooking.

When we're ill, one of the last things we have that we can enjoy is food.

When a customer receives a dish, they get food and design at the same time.

In an avant-garde cooking restaurant, it's the experience that's the difference.

Remember that a very good sardine is always preferable to a not that good lobster.

Food is about being happy - at a table, thats probably where we spend most of our happiest hours.

I have a drivers licence, but the truth is that I hardly ever drive. I prefer to get around by taxi.

I have a driver's licence, but the truth is that I hardly ever drive. I prefer to get around by taxi.

When I go to a fine dining restaurant, I'm excited and I do expect to find proposals to wake my senses.

I don't do my mother's cooking. Because I am a professional and she isn't. Even if she is a better cook.

I don't read books regularly, because I'm always writing them. I've written 30 books, thousands of pages.

If I were a customer, and I was given a dish with peppers, I would hate it. I also don't like blood sausage.

If you go off the edge, it's not cooking anymore, so you have to push it to the limit... What are the limits?

You cannot get an influence from the cuisine of a country if you don't understand it. You've got to study it.

There's a little treat I like a lot called Bollycao. It's like a brioche with chocolate inside, but industrial.

I am not a multimillionaire. I dont own a yacht or a Ferrari. I live in a 60-square- metre flat. My needs are simple.

I am not a multimillionaire. I don't own a yacht or a Ferrari. I live in a 60-square- metre flat. My needs are simple.

We never have business meals at El Bulli. If it's about business, you're probably not paying much attention to the food.

There are many cultural prejudices. For instance, even though fresh fish is a regional staple, Catalans don't like sashimi.

When I was a teenager, my idol was the Dutch footballer Johan Cruyff. He's the only person I've ever asked for an autograph.

Everywhere the sky is blue. There are a multitude of cuisines and dishes. I think of them as the languages and dialects of food.

For me to go to a restaurant and eat something that is not only good, but totally new, is a double thrill. Double the enjoyment.

In a city, it's very hard to do a restaurant, an avant-garde-cuisine restaurant, where each year you need to change the whole menu.

People wouldn't think of making avant-garde cuisine at home. When people play basketball at home, they can't play like Michael Jordan.

I cook more theoretically than I do practically. My job is creative, and in the kitchen, the biggest part of my creativity is theoretical.

Ferran Adria making hamburgers... some thought it was crazy. But getting them perfect was a challenge. Plus I'm fascinated by all aspects of food.

We opened El Bulli; there were no secrets there. The recipes were not secret. Anybody who came, the recipes were there for them. This was unthinkable then.

Our kitchen is a kitchen that makes food designed to be tasted with the five senses and it requires concentration to appreciate all that we want to express.

You can't please everyone, especially if you're doing very radical things at the vanguard of cooking. That's life; it's a polemic I've lived with since I started cooking.

Could you imagine people eating a painting - if they could introduce a painting into their bodies? It's probably the artist's dream, and we have the opportunity to do so.

Salt is the only product that changes cuisine. There's a big difference between food that has salt and food without it. If you don't believe that, ask people who can't eat salt.

I'm not a materialist, I don't care for things. I don't like cars, I hate things that can be exploited. I live a simple life. The only luxuries I have in my life are travel and food.

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