I don't really have a best friend.

My first goal was to play in the NFL.

I like to work out with the young guys.

My son going to college is a big milestone.

I try to do two workouts three times a week.

When you're a free agent you want to be wanted.

I can't really grip the ball with my left hand.

If you know sports in Dade County, you know me.

When you come from Miami, you're used to winning.

When something you love gets taken away, it hurts you.

Whatever the coach calls, I'm going to give 110 percent.

I've been blessed to make pretty good money over the years.

I'm not a talker unless I really feel I have to say something.

As long as I stay consistent as my career goes, I'm good with it.

Coming up, I thought Barry Sanders was the best running back ever.

My coaches respect me - the way I come to work, practice and play.

When you think about retiring, you're done. You already checked out.

As long as I'm healthy and feeling good, I will compete with anybody.

I want to be remembered as a guy who played the game of football right.

As long as you train and love to compete, you can do whatever you want.

Before I got injured, football was very easy, I didn't have to work out.

I want to make sure I'm not the last NFL player to come out of the Grove.

I just want to go out there and try to get my respect from my teammates and my coaches.

I'm not a talker. But I will show in practice the way I work and the way I love the game.

I've been boxing for a while now, and I probably could fight a little bit if I wanted to.

I've been doubted my whole life, especially coming out of college with the injuries I had.

I feel like every year it's something with me. I've got to overcome everything every year.

When I see a guy on the football field huffing and puffing, I know I got an advantage over him.

When training camp comes, all the guys in my running back room will see how hard I go every day.

I'm from Miami, you know, when you're a child, you always want to play in front of your hometown.

As long as God blesses me in the morning to get up and work hard, I'm going to take advantage of it.

When your name gets mentioned with the great guys that played this game in the past, that's very big.

I thought my freshman year at the University of Miami, I was balling, I was looking forward to the NFL.

When I went to high school, my whole neighborhood, they followed me. They wanted to see me be successful.

When you hear coaches say your son is good, sometimes you think they are just saying it because it's you.

If I feel like I can't play ball anymore, I'll stop that day. I'm not a fool. I respect the game too much.

If I can go compete with the young guys during training in the offseason, I should be fine during football.

When you're looking from the outside looking in, you don't know what's in the locker room until you get there.

You can be talented, but having great talent isn't enough. You have to work every day or someone will pass you up.

How I pick running backs, I always go off what situation they're in. I look at guys and what they had around them.

I was always a hard worker, but when I was younger I didn't have to put the extra work in like some of the other guys.

I'm better learning by somebody showing me something. I got to see and then do it. You can't be scared to ask for help.

I knew that I wasn't the smartest kid in school, but I knew that I had a way to get out if I did the right things in sports.

I don't want to just be part of a team, I want to help a team, and I don't want anyone to say I rode the bench to get a ring.

I hear all the critics, man. I hear them saying 'He's done.' I hear them saying 'He can't.' I hear all that. That keeps me going.

I train with young guys in the offseason just to be honest and keep myself sure, to let myself know if I'm ready or will I be ready.

Once I got into the league, I liked to watch LaDainian Tomlinson. He was nice, man. Quick, strong, great eyes, able to catch the ball.

Some guys go to different teams and as they get older, they just want to ride the coattail of the younger guys. I don't want to do that.

To be able to be mentioned with guys like Emmitt, Walter Payton, Barry Sanders, Curtis Martin and my man LaDainian Tomlinson, it's a blessing.

I could've easily gone the other way, but luckily, I had football and the dream to play in the NFL so I could do something positive with my life.

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