Eden Hazard is a great player. He has magic

Goals never come easy. No one gives you goals.

When I was at school, I wanted to be a lawyer.

I fancy our chances at the European Championships.

I come from a football family which has really helped.

Being faster would probably make me better at football.

Before my mother died, she told me not to leave Chelsea.

The title is still on the cards until it's off the cards.

To be honest, I was Mum's boy. Always was, always will be.

You remember the finals you lose as much as the ones you win.

I read Michael Caine's biography. It was about him growing up

Barcelona are my favourite team in Spain, let's put it that way.

Barcelona are my favourite team in Spain, let's put it that way...

I like to go to America. That's where I go for most of my holidays.

When you take a lot of stick you want to ram it down people's throats.

There is such a belief in the squad that we could really do something.

I'm like everyone else: I want to play every game, but it's not possible.

There's a few ugly ones. Carlo is probably the best looking [on chelsea players]

If I lose the ball, I lose it trying to do the right thing. That's the way it is.

I think I work harder on the pitch, I cover more ground and my passing is more accurate.

I think as far as kids go, you just have to work hard. Work on your skills, keep focused.

Everyone's got unfinished business with Barcelona. They're the greatest team in the world.

I am a man who likes to play consistently; I always play better when I'm on a run of games.

I don't want to be a passenger sitting on the bench not doing much, even in my older years.

I've enjoyed every minute of travelling and playing for my country. What an honour that is.

In a way, I've thrived on the competition, perhaps it has made a better player because of it.

Nobody expects a footballer to have any kind of an IQ, which is a bit of an unfair stereotype.

I am certainly not the most talented player in the world; there's many a more talented player than me.

Of course it is going to be difficult for any player to get in the Chelsea side no matter who they are.

I'm happy here, and why change when you love the club and the club's in a really good position right now.

If I could have been anyone in the world, it would have been Ronaldinho. He's fantastic, I love watching him.

I'm not silly. I understand that, with age and at different parts of your career, you have different challenges.

For present buying, I go to Harrods because there are great personal shoppers, who point me in the right direction.

I think every player enjoys praise and I have to work extremely hard on the training ground to bring my game together.

I have never seen a player as driven and determined as me, quietly determined; that's why I always want to do the best.

But what club wouldn't welcome the chance to strengthen their side, what club would turn down the resources Chelsea have?

I always dedicate my goals to my mum. I lost her a couple of years ago. She was my biggest supporter and is always with me.

In international football, you need pace and you need your players up top to create things out of nothing and run at people.

They're a very offensive team and even without Thierry Henry they can still do damage to you all over the pitch. (on Arsenal)

I was always pretty good at school, but a lot of it was memorising, maybe cheating off your mates, stuff that gets you through.

I think about all my successes and failures and sometimes the failures stick in your head as much as the wins. But you do move on.

I think about all my successes and failures, and sometimes the failures stick in your head as much as the wins. But you do move on.

I'm not the kind of player to see out my time and sit with my bum on the bench too much. I want to be involved. That's my character.

When you look at the caliber of players in the England squad and their ability, why should we go into the tournament fearing anyone?

I never relax on the year before. Every year I want to get more out of myself so I use it as a driving force, rather than a pressure thing.

I had a fear of losing, a fear of what might happen if I had a bad game. Would I get dropped? I don't remember a lot of stuff in my career.

If I ever have a son, I would call him Frankie, and it's a family name - it's my dad and my dad's dad, so you know, it sticks. I won't forget it.

I had a chance to go to Italy when I was younger and that would have been tough because of the language. America is easier but I really loved it.

Remember every team wants to beat Chelsea, probably even more than Manchester United or Arsenal because they believe we have an unfair advantage.

Training's completely different now. It used to be a lot of running and work without the ball. Now it's all with the ball, which any player loves.

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