Since when is politics consistent?

I'm from Limburg, near the German border.

I want Europe to go forward, not backward.

The U.K. is leaving the E.U. but not Europe.

Let's be clear: a nationalist is not a patriot.

Look at what the divisiveness of Brexit has done to the U.K.

Respect for the rule of law is not optional; it's fundamental.

Europeans distrust a Europe that overpromises and underdelivers.

Our darkest angels in Europe are always somewhere under the surface.

If there's no future for Jews in Europe, there's no future for Europe.

I think in Trump's view of the world, when the other person loses, he wins.

As long as U.K. remains member of the E.U., it should respect the E.U. law.

We need to be able to answer not yesterday's challenges but to tomorrow's challenges.

I find it unspeakably sad that the United Kingdom has voted to leave the European Union.

Is it not in human nature sometimes, based on the facts that you now know, to reconsider?

The European Union is not unbreakable; something that is breakable is extremely valuable.

What is the issue that has brought the European Union to the brink? The issue of migration.

The absolute low point for me in more than 30 years of professional life was the Brexit vote.

Whether they are Jewish, Muslim, Christian, or atheist, everybody has a place in this society.

There's a myth that in Arab countries, they all like Palestinians. They don't. On the contrary.

The Netherlands believes in a vigorous Europe with a commission that is independent and robust.

Nationalism is like alcoholism: a short period of exaltation followed by a long period of headaches.

Protectionism has never been an answer, will never be an answer. We need trade. We need trade agreements worldwide.

I think we have a political and moral duty to do everything within our power to maintain the Good Friday Agreement.

How many millions of straws do we use every day across Europe? I would have people not use plastic straws any more.

One of the principles upon which the E.U. is built is the separation of powers and the independence of the judiciary.

It is a duty for any government to uphold the rule of law, and this sometimes requires the proportionate use of force.

I will do everything I can... to make sure that Poland sticks to a development that fosters the rule of law, democracy.

Is wellbeing only economic growth? Only salaries? Or is wellbeing also being able to breathe clean air and drink clean water?

We need a tough approach to make justice prevail and, also, because sports should not be damaged by the violence of hooligans.

The European Union should come up with a solid plan to help especially Poland and Slovakia make this transition away from coal.

If the E.U. is to survive... it is based on the fact that for every community that belongs in Europe, there is a place in Europe.

Britain can get far better results if it engages with Europe than standing on the sidelines and saying that Europe should change.

Nationalism makes us poor because its Siamese twin, protectionism, will destroy the internal market and disrupt international trade.

If we put our policies in the right order, we have a sustainable society without lowering but even increasing our levels of wellbeing.

If nationalism makes us poor, weak, and morally insecure, how can it claim to be patriotic? I maintain that nationalists are unpatriotic.

Given the amount of money circulating in the sport, European taxpayers and supporters are entitled to know how their clubs are being managed.

Public support will dwindle if the public thinks that free movement means undermining of social security systems... we need to get that right.

In a free Europe... the system of power lies on three pillars. These are democracy, rule of law, and human rights. It's impossible to use one against the other.

While, of course, you cannot discriminate between nationals of member states, access to the labour market does not mean automatic access to social security systems.

I believe many people - especially small- and medium-sized enterprises across the European Union - are disenchanted with Europe because we haven't delivered the goods.

If children knew what the effects are of using single-use plastic straws for drinking sodas or whatever, they might reconsider and use paper straws or no straws at all.

It has become routine for national politicians to blame Europe. When something works, they claim it as their success. When something doesn't work, then Europe is to blame.

My parents married in 1959 and came to Amsterdam on honeymoon. That was a huge thing, event, for them. Now my children fly off for the weekend to Riga, Prague, or Barcelona.

I am a huge fan of the Premier League, but do you think it will maintain its attractiveness if the Champions League is only an affair between English clubs and one or two others?

Plastic waste is undeniably a big issue, and Europeans need to act together to tackle this problem because plastic waste ends up in our air, our soil, our oceans, and in our food.

Being part of the E.U. in Poland means that for the first time in a millennium, nobody disputes Poland's borders, and it brought a level of freedom that Poland has never known before.

If you look at European societies since the financial crisis began in 2008, with very, very few exceptions, the differences between rich and poor have increased, and sometimes hugely.

If we do not counter the argument that most radical nationlists use, which is, 'To protect is to be protectionist,' if we don't counter that argument, all of our economies will suffer.

For me, arguably, the European Parliament is the best-functioning European institution. They are extremely good at law-making; they're extremely good at finding compromise under pressure.

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