I'm a big comic book nerd so every time I'm in costume and see everyone in costume I'm just like "This is sick."

I'd really love to check out medieval times. I'm obsessed with that kind of stuff, like on a horseback with a sword.

I'm always trying to play pranks on people and doing silliness, singing extremely badly and extremely loudly on set.

Some of the stuff I get the scripts for, I read it and I'm like, "Wow." We're doing some crazy stuff on this show [Legends of Tommorow]. it's going to be amazing.

There are definitely aspects of that kind of stuff. The whole team [of Legends of Tommorow] gets thrown together. They don't really know each other like that. They haven't worked together before.

There is a very diverse range of superheroes, especially with the Firestorm character. In the comics, there is a black Firestorm. But we still don't see that many black superheroes. So what The CW is doing and what DC Comics is doing with this whole universe with diversity is absolutely amazing.

Changes can be made. New decisions can be made. If people say, 'It's not like that in the comics!' Well, comic books reinvent their characters a lot. They do different things with them all the time. They're always changing, always keeping things fresh. So that shouldn't be an issue if the race changes for a character.

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