Who could deny that our Austria is richer than any other country? As the saying goes: "We have money like manure.

No one will stop to help you when you are in need, but everyone forces opinions upon you that you do not require.

The German mind, may it live! Almost invisible as a mind, it finally manifests itself assertively as a conviction.

Woman is the crown of all creation, but Man is the head who wears it, and even the servant is master in his house.

At certain times, men regard poetry merely as a bright flame, but to women it was, and always will be, a warm fire.

A man may welcome his beloved with circumstance, but a woman's love and her concern for his well-being are discreet.

Compilers resemble gluttonous eaters who devour excessive quantities of healthy food just to excrete them as refuse.

Ideas are not thoughts; the thought respects the boundaries that the idea ignores thereby failing to realize itself.

Although your knowledge is weak and small, you need not be silent: since you cannot be judges be at least witnesses.

Let the famous not denounce fame. Far from being empty and meaningless, it fills those it touches with divine power.

Lap-dogs and blood-hounds enjoy the greatest respect at court; house-dogs and no dogs at all are not even considered.

The sun of a prince's good graces resembles that in the skies in that it shines most kindly upon the blackest people.

No matter which word it is, when I pronounce repeatedly, it ends up sounding utterly ridiculous and meaningless to me.

Perhaps the most embarrassing experience is being caught at a lie by a simpleton who sneers at our asinine cleverness.

Do you think that it is possible to have a mere taste of commonness? Either one hates it or makes common cause with it.

Drive the women from the bed just as you drove them from the choir; a eunuch sings in Rome, and the priests masturbate.

A cure by regression is homeopathic, like healing the damage done by ministers and ignorance with stupidity and Jesuits.

A book is quite a beautiful thing, even more so learning. Together, however, all they amount to is called book-learning.

Critics are reprimanded when they get sarcastic. How absurd! Is the torch of criticism supposed to shine without burning?

You ardently strive for freedom, and I do wish you were free--but, rather than for your sake, so that government won't be.

When mundane, lowly activities are at stake, too much insight is detrimental — far-sightedness errs in immediate concerns.

Chance arrives unannounced. It emerges, and when it leaves, we are lucky if the changes it has produced are only external.

Nothing genuinely historical was ever lost in this country. For this reason we have two ruling parties: villains and fools.

What is done for the children is doubly beneficial, since their success, obvious to everyone, educates the parents as well.

The art of acting presupposes three phases: understanding a part, intuiting a part, and contemplating the essence of a part.

What's the meaning of all the pious clamor, condemning cocks and hens? Those who have no teeth are the greatest meat-haters.

What a pathetic creature is man! His senses are awakened by the hope for the very thing whose consummation puts him to sleep.

I've never been on good terms with God, but now I'm becoming His intimate, for He is truly absolute and extremely legitimate.

Since people no longer attend church, theater remains as the only public service, and literature as the only private devotion.

The courts used to be, fair and square, the avengers of secular crimes; but nowadays they demand respect even for the criminal.

How frightening it is to have reached the height of human accomplishment in art that must forever borrow from life's abundance.

Let the will embrace the highest ideals freely and with infinite strength, but let action first take hold of what lies closest.

Grief, first take on shape! what is shapeless causes fear and torment but when the enemy materializes, half the victory is won.

Why does the past look so enticing to us? For the same reason why from a distance a meadow with flowers looks like a flower bed.

Only by himself, with one acre and a house, will a dunce be a dunce. Once he manages to gain power, he'll turn into a scoundrel.

I understand the phrase "Honor the Women" all too well: the poet has probably a wife of his own, but he prefers to honor another.

A flutist who is moved to tears by his own performance will soon make the listeners laugh because of the sounds that he produces.

If someone took the finest marble and knew how to shape it artfully: Prometheus' material was lowly clay, but his statues walked.

Boundless in your charity, but shrewd and cautious as a lender, you delight all those today whom you made beggars the day before.

The military and the clergy cause us much annoyance; the clergy and the military, they empty our wallets and rob our intelligence.

Those who want to row on the ocean of human knowledge do not get far, and the storm drives those out of their course who set sail.

You even called me stupid in your verse, and I'm almost agreeing, for where stupidity is involved, you are quite an expert, friend.

A heart that overflows may seek out merrymaking and boisterous festivities to quietly rejoice, unnoticed amidst the reveling crowds.

Mozart starved, but you allow Thalberg and Liszt make tons of gold: Of course, you may think that someone immortal cannot die of hunger

A tailor can adapt to any medium, be it poetry, be it criticism. As a poet, he can mend, and with the scissors of criticism he candivide.

Poetry, it is often said and loudly so, is life's true mirror. But a monkey looking into a work of literature looks in vain for Socrates.

How great seems human progress when we consider where it began, and how insignificant, when we contemplate the goals for which itstrives.

You say I'm small? I certainly can relate, although it is a matter of perspective. The distance is deceptive, my friend, you standtoo low.

Many said selfishness was the flaw of our modern age; but then self-conceit emerged from a corner of the deepest hell to join selfishness.

Never expect any recognition here--the system prohibits it. The cross is not affixed to the genius, no, the genius is affixed to the cross.

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