I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my ...

I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.

Begin with the end in mind.

Begin with the end in mind.

In order to have influence, you have to be influenced.

In order to have influence, you have to be influenced.

As long as you think the problem is out there, that very thought is ...

As long as you think the problem is out there, that very thought is the problem

Happiness can be defined, in part at least, as the fruit of the ...

Happiness can be defined, in part at least, as the fruit of the desire and ability to sacrifice what we want now for what we want eventually.

Live out of your imagination, not your history.

Live out of your imagination, not your history.

Every human has four endowments - self awareness, conscience, ...

Every human has four endowments - self awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom... The power to choose, to respond, to change.

Seek first to understand, then to be understood.

Seek first to understand, then to be understood.

Mind over mattress.

It comes from within.

Patience is emotional diligence.

We become what we repeatedly do.

The key to motivation is motive.

Life is a mission, not a career.

Priority is a function of context.

Live, love, laugh, leave a legacy.

Listen with your eyes for feelings.

we're responsible for our own lives.

Balance isn't either/or; it's 'and'.

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.

Interdependency follows independence.

To know and not to do is not to know.

Leadership is a choice, not a position

Beginners are many; finishers are few.

Difference is the beginning of synergy.

Being is seeing in the human dimension.

Organize and execute around priorities.

But borrowing strength builds weakness.

Leadership is a choice, not a position.

We can act instead of being acted upon.

Accountability breeds response-ability.

A moment of choice is a moment of truth.

Do what is important, not what is urgent.

Nothing is as fast as the speed of trust.

Live your life by a compass, not a clock.

The way we see the problem is the problem.

If you want to be trusted, be trustworthy.

Trust is central to an economy that works.

If there is no gardener there is no garden.

Private victories precede public victories.

Common sense is not always common practice.

It's better to be trusted than to be liked.

What is common sense isn't common practice.

The enemy of the "best" is often the "good."

You can't have the fruits without the roots.

Seek to understand rather than be understood.

Where there's no gardener, there's no garden.

We don't invent our missions, we detect them.

We see the world not as it is, but as we are.

Don't get buried in the thick of thin things.

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