Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty. Anyone who ...

Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.

Books are a narcotic.

Writers speak stench.

You too have weapons.

Writer speaks a stench.

Paths are made by walking

I carry the bars within me.

Evil is whatever distracts.

The limited circle is pure.

In a way, I was safe writing

Please — consider me a dream.

The truth is always an abyss.

Writing [is] a form of prayer.

Kill me, or you are a murderer.

Religions get lost as people do.

I like to make use of what I know

I am a cage, in search of a bird.

Love is a drama of contradictions.

I never wish to be easily defined.

One reads in order to ask questions

Dread of night. Dread of not-night.

Evil is the starry sky of the Good.

I am free and that is why I am lost.

Writing is a sweet, wonderful reward.

The meaning of life is that it stops.

Isolation is a way to know ourselves.

I lack nothing. I only needed myself.

No one can crave what truly harms him.

I am in chains. Don't touch my chains.

Heaven is dumb, echoing only the dumb.

All language is but a poor translation.

Nothing is as deceptive as a photograph.

First impressions are always unreliable.

The true word leads; the untrue misleads.

The Bible is a sanctum; the world, sputum.

Writing means revealing oneself to excess.

Slept, awoke, slept, awoke, miserable life.

In a certain sense the Good is comfortless.

I do not see the world at all; I invent it.

Only the moment counts. It determines life.

What am I doing here in this endless winter?

Faith, like a guillotine. As heavy, as light.

They say ignorance is bliss.... they're wrong

To animalise is humane, to humanise is animal.

There sat I, a faded being, under faded leaves.

God gives the nuts, but he does not crack them.

Work as joy, inaccessible to the psychologists.

There will be no proof that I ever was a writer.

Follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.

We need the books that affect us like a disaster

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