Only super-efforts count.

Patience is the mother of will.

Never think of results, just do!

Better to die than live in sleep.

Love without knowledge is demonic.

Common aim is stronger than blood.

Believe nothing, not even yourself.

Life is real only then, when "I am".

Remember yourself always and everywhere.

By teaching others you will learn yourself.

Begin with the possible; begin with one step.

That which is easy is bad for your inner life.

All who have come to me must have enema each day.

The greatest untold story is the evolution of God.

Man must use what he has, not hope for what is not.

The highest that a man can attain is to be able to do.

Time began when you were born. It will end when you die.

Practice love first on animals, they are more sensitive.

If you can serve a cup of tea right, you can do anything.

As long as our ideas are the same, we will never be apart.

If you want to lose your faith, make friends with a priest.

If you meditate and the Devil comes, make the Devil meditate.

Wish' is the most powerful thing in the world. Higher than God.

I ask you to believe nothing that you cannot verify for yourself.

What is possible for individual man is impossible for the masses.

Practice love on animals first; they react better and more sensitively.

Two things in life are infinite; the stupidity of man and the mercy of God.

Take the understanding of the East and the knowledge of the West-and then seek.

The man has the possibilities of getting free gradually from the mechanical laws.

What you need to know is very little, but to know that little takes very very much.

You can never awaken using the same system that put you to sleep in the first place.

Conscious faith is freedom. Emotional faith is slavery. Mechanical faith is foolishness.

Hope of consciousness is strength. Hope of feelings is slavery. Hope of body is disease.

Awakening begins when a man realizes that he is going nowhere and does not know where to go.

He who has gotten rid of the disease of "tomorrow" has a chance of achieving what he is here for.

There is a cosmic law which says that every satisfaction must be paid for with a dissatisfaction.

The first reason for people's slavery is our ignorance, and above all, our ignorance of ourselves.

My way is to develop the hidden potentialities of man; a way that is against Nature and against God.

Without struggle, no progress and no result. Every breaking of habit produces a change in the machine.

Nothing can be attained without suffering but at the same time one must begin by sacrificing suffering.

Those who have not sown anything during their responsible life will have nothing to reap in the future.

With thorns in the inner world there will always be roses in the outer world, in law-able compensation.

Blessed is he who has a soul, blessed is he who has none, but woe and grief to him who has it in embryo.

A miracle is not the breaking of physical laws, but rather represents laws which are incomprehensible to us.

The only type of sexual relations possible are those with someone who is as advanced and capable as oneself.

To know all, it is necessary to know very little; but to know that very little, one must first know pretty much.

Real love is a cosmic force which goes through us. If we crystallize it, it becomes the greatest power in the world.

Every grown-up man consists wholly of habits, although he is often unaware of it and even denies having any habits at all.

It is only by grounding our awareness in the living sensation of our bodies that the 'I Am,' our real presence, can awaken.

Love of consciousness evokes the same in response Love of feeling evokes the opposite Love of body depends only on type and polarity.

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