I work with people like Spielberg and Abrams all the time.

I wish I could play the World Cup; thats one of my dreams.

I wish I could play the World Cup; that's one of my dreams.

I love sports - if I'm not acting, I'm probably doing sports.

I appreciate when people enjoy my work, but I don't like being recognized in public.

I don't see a lot of nature in L.A. Then again, I don't see a lot when I go back to St. Louis, either.

I'm an artist. So if acting doesn't work out, which I hope it does, I'm probably going to go into graphic design or something like that.

Rarely do you walk down the street doing anything that my grandparent's generation did. And half of that comes with the technology advances.

I got lost one time for a couple hours. It was pretty bad. I got lost in a creek, and I couldn't find my way back. The cops even had to come.

I think you just have to accept the fact that no one lives forever, and eventually things are going to come to an end, whether it's a TV show or life.

The majority of actor kids are really competitive. But Gabby Sidibe on The Big C has been a big help to me. Her career went from zero to a hundred in about one second, so shes warned me what to expect.

The majority of actor kids are really competitive. But Gabby Sidibe on 'The Big C' has been a big help to me. Her career went from zero to a hundred in about one second, so she's warned me what to expect.

You're in a scene with Laura Linney or Oliver Platt or John Hickey or Alan Alda and these amazing actors and actresses, and you're like, 'Oh my God, I haven't even started; I'm nothing compared to these people!'

I had one of the most outdoorsy childhoods you could imagine. I basically lived in the woods until I was 13. My dad and I built a huge treehouse in our backyard in Chesterfield, about 30 feet in the air. And we'd vacation on an island in Michigan, where I hunted a deer that we ate.

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