I shan't marry a prince!


Kisses were better than potions.

I never met a word I didn't love

Crying is part of the adventure.

A library is infinity under a roof.

Who judges the judge who judges wrong?

I make mistakes on a very grand scale.

I want to be with you forever and beyond.

Managing to tell a story is very gratifying.

He bowed. 'The young lady must not dance alone.

He -it- was a specter! I stepped back, stunned.

I don't wait for inspiration. Writing is my job.

Climb the day, Drop your dreams, Possess the day.

When I write, I make discoveries about my feelings.

I was born singing. Most babies cry, I sang an aria.

It feels presumptuous to think of writing for adults.

You're Only the fairest when your fairest to yourself

Voices and faces aren't manifestations of good or bad.

No, I won't marry you. I won't do it. No one can force me.

He is flawless, without a blemish. Majesic . . . muscular.

that the book is really good. and theres a prince in it to.

And so, with laughter and love, we lived happily ever after.

That's funny, you're funny. I like you, I'm quite taken by you.

I loved fairy tales as a kid, so that's where my mind gravitates.

There's nothing wrong with reading a book you love over and over.

Sometimes the kids come up with better endings than the real story.

Luck was with me. I saw no spiders. Luck was against me. I saw no specters.

Ideas sometimes come from nowhere, and sometimes they take lots of thinking.

Things change, people change, but that doesn't mean you should forget the past.

Most of the authors I liked were dead, so it didn't seem like a safe occupation.

I trust you to find the good in me, but the bad I must be sure you don't overlook.

'EIla Enchanted' began in a marvelous writing course at New York City's The New School.

It is helpful to know the proper way to behave, so one can decide whether or not to be proper.

In books and in life, you need to read several pages before someone's true character is revealed.

Step follows step, Hope follows Courage, Set your face towards danger, Set your heart on victory.

My good ideas are shy. But if they see that I treat the stupid ideas with respect, they come forward.

If beginnings terrify you, or if you just plain don't like writing them, or if they bore you, skip 'em.

I didn't want to be a writer. First I wanted to act, and then I wanted to be a painter like my big sister.

I love having written. Sometimes I love writing. I love to revise. Revising is my favorite part of writing.

Contemporary fiction is the hardest for me because I am not really in the popular culture - I don't watch TV.

My favorite of my books is DAVE AT NIGHT, because it's loosely based on my father's childhood in an orphanage.

I'm solitary as a pulled tooth, Lonely as an unwelcome truth, Lost as a minnow out of school, A genius in a crop of fools.

I wrote as a kid, but I never wanted to be a writer, particularly. I had been drawing and painting for years and loved that.

No sign of pleasure greeted the announcement. The mood in the hall was leaden. My mood was livelier. Fright is livelier than lead.

To pretend I was sliding down the stair rail." He laughed again. " You should have done it. I would have caught you at the bottom.

I'm more interested in plot than theme, but I hope my values find their way into my stories: kindness, sympathy, effort, and humor!

I was no hero. The dearest wishes of my heart were for safety and tranquility. The world was a perilous place, wrong for the likes of me.

Perhaps we can come here together someday. By the way, you're a month older than the last time I saw you. Are you still too young to marry.

As a child, I loved fairy tales because the story, the what-comes-next, is paramount. As an adult, I'm fascinated by their logic and illogic.

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