You could drown a kitten in her blue eyes.

Asthmatic immigrant learns to breathe by writing.

I don't have many possessions, apart from my books.

freedom is anathema to dreams nurtured in captivity.

If you stop thinking, if you stop wondering, you die.

You are not what you want. You are what wants you back.

Satire always benefits when evil and stupidity collide.

My parents were kind enough to spend hours talking to me.

Let's see if I can write about something other than my heart.

Italy has sun and tomatoes, and Russia just has real problems.

American fiction is good. It would be nice if somebody read it.

Reading is entering into the consciousness of another human being.

The only way to write about right now is to write about the future.

If I still lived in Russia, I'd be dead... or a really effective oligarch.

The fading light is us, and we are, for a moment so brief (...) beautiful.

By reading this message you are denying its existence and implying consent.

I have my own dying empire to contend with, and I do not wish for any other.

Michigan, with its delicious American name. How lucky one must be to live there.

I am born hungry. Ravenous. I want to eat the world, and I can never be satiated.

Alcohol causes a lot of problems, and then to solve these problems, you drink more.

We're people of the Orient. We know everything. And what we don't know, we can sense.

I like the map feature on the iPhone that tells me where I am, because I travel a lot.

My mother cranes her neck. Her ability to be fascinated by things is her best gift to me.

I have a great memory. And actually, I remember Russia in some ways better than I remember Queens.

Before my first novel, I was dating a woman who later went to prison for bashing a guy with a hammer.

It is a capital insult in this country not to make love to a naked woman, even if she is related to you.

A writer or any suffering artist-to-be is just an instrument too finely set to the human condition [...]

Remember this... develop a sense of nostalgia for something, or you'll never figure out what's important.

Getting out of Russia was the best thing my parents did. I mean, that country will never amount to anything.

I'm the fortieth ugliest man in this bar. But so what! So what!... Isn't this how people used to fall in love?

That's what tyrants do, I guess. They make you covet their attention; they make you confuse attention for mercy.

The radio station was playing Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake, a sure sign that things were much worse than they appeared.

I feel safe with him because he is so not my ideal and I feel like I can be myself because I'm not in love with him.

I just want fiction to remain a vital force for entertainment and not just for contemplation. Both things can exist.

In America, the distance between wanting something and having it delivered to your living room is not terribly great.

The best thing about the iPhone is this that tells me where I am all the time. Theres never a need to feel lost anymore.

People always write on my Facebook that they've seen somebody they thought was me on the subway, and I was cursing badly.

The best thing about the iPhone is this that tells me where I am all the time. There's never a need to feel lost anymore.

That's what I always liked about science fiction - you can make the world end. Humour is my multiple warhead delivery system.

I always think that good writers should be growing up on the brink of death - it really lets them see mortality very clearly.

America should treasure its rare, true original voices and Mark Leyner is one of them. So treasure him already, you bastards!

We are now part of this giant machine where every second we have to take out a device and contribute our thoughts and opinions.

If you read only one memoir by a disaffected, urban, 20-something Jewish girl this year, make it this one. Shukert rocks the lulav.

I was really not a good student, and I felt that shame every day. That's one of the reasons I started smoking pot and drinking daily.

Forget the fountain of youth, pal of mine. You can live to be a thousand, and it won't matter. Mediocrities like you deserve immortality.

The memoirs I love are all very intense. If you're going to do a memoir and protect yourself, what the hell's the point? Just do fiction.

My first book really did change my life. It allowed me to fully express myself. There was a sense that I was worth something as an artist.

My parents were constantly afraid they would lose their jobs. The idea that we were always a paycheck away from disaster was drilled into me.

I'd love to have a 19th Century Russian book club where all the members had to act like the pretentious minor noblemen they were reading about.

Without humor, I cannot go on and I doubt many of my readers would go on either. Humor is so important. I am here to have fun here with my work.

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