Man is a moral being.

My weapon is just a movie.

Survival is a genetic law.

Vengeance is a human right.

Being poor is a normal thing.

I am not a police fan at all.

I am Left Wing. I am a Humanist.

I prefer periods of peace and love.

I think there can be incestuous love.

Make a movie that you can be proud of.

War, sometimes you have to go for it, you know?

Horsemeat is the most male meat you can think of.

Some people take drugs in a quest for spirituality.

Maybe the dreams make the people stronger, whatever.

I always think of moments of love with someone I love.

I think you direct a movie just to express your own self.

You can put whatever you want inside evil and good in morality.

I belong to the petit bourgoiusie somehow, because of my parents.

Most people feel aggressed by anything that is different from them.

I'm brighter when I'm not drunk; when I'm drunk, I lose part of my IQ.

I know that sometimes in my own life I really felt like killing people.

Scope movies shown on TV letter-boxed are always the big budget movies.

France is a very paternalistic society where people have to be introduced.

Societies have progressed much more during times of peace than during wars.

Filmmaking is just a very luxurious and efficient way of expressing yourself.

In France, like in most countries, the respect you receive depends on your class.

America in some ways is much more of a democracy then France. It is and it's not.

My father is much more into forgetting and forgiving, but I'm much more into revenge.

I think that people can fall in love with someone who is not of their own generation.

Hallucinations are an inner experience in which most of the time you forget you're there.

Sometimes when I make a movie, my main goal is to show the movie to one particular director.

Sometimes you have the chance to do one movie, make it the best you can, put everything in it.

I notice that I feel safer among women when I do drugs. I would never do drugs with male friends.

I feel very protected when I see a movie. That's why I like making violent movies or radical movies.

Sometimes people who feel powerless, they come to bother their own kids, or they come to bother children.

The negative has to be done on an A and B [roll] so you don't see the cuts, the splices on the frameline.

When you start a movie... when it's a short, people don't care... but when it's a feature they want money.

I think that it's much brighter just to assume that you're an animal in the jungle and you have to survive.

I'm not from a lower social level, but I think I relate more to lower levels then to people who've got money.

It's funny, when you start talking about primitive scenes, so many people have seen their parents having sex.

In French you say, "I'm alone against the world" and that means "I hate everybody and everybody's against me."

Sometimes I have better relationships with my barber then with people who are into cinema from an upper class.

The hateful reviews are very funny. And sometimes you can enjoy a hateful review much more than a good review.

The only reason I would call the police is if someone is getting aggressed in the street and I'm behind a window.

On an everyday level, I use alcohol and drugs in general mostly to be in a happier mood, with the people around me.

If the Nazis have been destroyed it's because America got into the war. They went for it and they got into the fight.

Everybody wants to lie to himself, pretending that there's something else besides only the normal life you're living in.

I'm very much into vengeance, in the way that if someone attacks you, you have to attack him twice if you want to survive.

If I had to go through a tunnel ten years without making any movies like Bunuel, I don't mind, as long as I did one good movie.

People sometimes, they just stop because they see this scope movie. They say "oh, this is a real movie, this is not a TV movie."

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