I was not cut out to be a rebel.

I always tried to play my hunches.

Where there is hope, there is no despair.

Cars, furs, and gems were not my weaknesses.

I used up every cent I earned as an actress.

I simply did not want my face to be my talent.

A flame burns brightest just before it goes out.

I used up every cent I had earned as an actress.

I admire anyone who rids himself of an addiction.

I was going to live on my salary or go down swinging.

I hole up now and then and do nothing for days but read.

The things we ignore often come back to us in our sleep.

I needed to be accepted, not humored. I intended to act.

I existed in a world that never is - the prison of the mind.

I have a role now that I think becomes me. I am a grandmother.

Eccentric behavior is not routinely noticed around a movie set.

About my career I was serious and earnest, sometimes impatient.

Some women feel the best cure for a broken heart is a new beau.

In later years, I craved foods that were almost always fattening.

Hollywood can be hard on women, but it did not cause my problems.

A romantic, I think, picks the rose and is careless with the thorn.

Those who become mentally ill often have a history of chronic pain.

I had no romantic interest in Gable. I considered him an older man.

Unlike the stage, I never found it helpful to be good in a bad movie.

I was fine when it came to cheering up others, not so fine with myself.

The Howard Hughes I knew began to change after his plane crash in 1941.

I dated dozens of young men, had fun with all, made commitments to none.

I approached everything, my job, my family, my romances, with intensity.

The Hollywood structure was monopolistic, run by four or five big studios.

I used to annoy my father by telling him how much I felt luck was with me.

Trying to make order out of my life was like trying to pick up a jellyfish.

The word actress has always seemed less a job description to me than a title

Fonda and Gary Cooper had the best sense of timing of all the actors I knew.

The word actress has always seemed less a job description to me than a title.

I do not recall spending long hours in front of a mirror loving my reflection.

Men are wonderful. I adore them. They always give you the benefit of the doubt.

Children don't understand about people loving each other and then suddenly not.

I knew I could not cope with the future unless I was able to rediscover the past.

Houses are one of my passions. I probably should have been an interior decorator.

Chaplin was notoriously strict with his sons and rarely gave them spending money.

As an actress, I was trained to show emotion I did not feel, or no emotion at all.

Life is a little like a message in a bottle, to be carried by the winds and the tides.

I loved to eat. For all of Hollywood's rewards, I was hungry for most of those 20 years.

I learned quickly at Columbia that the only eye that mattered was the one on the camera.

Jealousy is, I think, the worst of all faults because it makes a victim of both parties.

I am not the kind of woman who excuses her mistakes while reminding us of what used to be.

For years it never occurred to me to question the judgment of those in charge at the studio.

I had been offered a Hollywood contract before my 18th birthday. It gave me the spark I needed.

I'm not sure I can explain the nature of Jack Kennedy's charm, but he took life just as it came.

I was fortunate enough to work under directors who were, most of them, brilliant, emotional men.

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