A lot of actors flame out.

I'm kind of like a relic from another era.

He caught that with the outside of his instep.

The Baggio brothers, of course, are not related.

Hyypia rises like a giraffe to head the ball clear

Basically, I'm a shy human being. Very introverted.

I thought, better to get out while I'm still alive.

It flew towards the roof of the net like a Wurlitzer

Women love romance, but they're not as romantic as men.

What that situation really needed was a little eyebrows.

I doubt anyone in Hollywood has had more 'dates' than me.

The truth of it is that women are far more logical than men.

There's no telling what the score will be if this one goes in

I've developed a self-discipline since the time I was a child.

Democracy has now become corrupted by the nature of the funders.

Referee Norlinger is outstanding in the sense that he stands out.

The worst drug of today is not smack or pot - it's refined sugar.

Their (Liverpool) fans are being man-marked by the Italian police.

He's pulling him off! The Spanish manager is pulling his captain off

I realized that the studios didn't really understand their own system.

I always felt people who took themselves seriously were kind of boring.

When I said they'd scored two goals, of course I meant they'd scored one.

I've always had good friends and people know that I've got no ax to grind.

I can tan quickly. What takes people hours to do, I can tan in half an hour.

I look at scripts as good or bad. If it's bad, it better pay a lot of money.

One works in this business - if one works. You do different types of movies.

We don't really know what Iran are capable of when the gun is put to their head

It's always amazing to me the idiosyncrasies people end up disliking others for.

A woman beautiful facially can negate all her beauty by no longer being feminine.

The eiderdown of this 2-0 lead is a lot more comfortable than the blanket of 1-0.

Ze soldiers are very hoppy shooting ze pipples who say that ze pipples are not hoppy.

That's a yellow card for Cazoria. So the next time he's involved in Europe, he won't be.

Here's Henry, trying to burst the bubble still further, if indeed it needs more bursting

I've never turned down an autograph request. I've never not taken a picture with someone.

I always adored Cary Grant. I was fascinated by him. But I could never get too close to him.

I don't use the phrase 'I love you' very often, but I say it every time I talk to my children.

Women want honesty but sometimes get upset if you are honest, so you need to know when to be honest.

I'm not saying it's safe to go sit out in the sun all day but I don't believe that sun is bad for you.

I'm not somebody who runs from the press. I'm not coy. I appreciate the press I've had over the years.

The midfield are like a chef, trying to prise open a stubborn oyster to get at the fleshy meat inside.

I consume an enormous number of books, but they're always on a particular subject because I'm obsessive.

I'm my own doctor. I have a group of people who call me up on a weekly basis. I'm a 'doctor' without a license.

Women don't like men who know they're good looking. They'd much prefer a man who doesn't know he's good looking.

Welcome to the Nou Camp stadium in Barcelona that is packed to capacity... with some patches of seats left empty.

I'm not known as a singer, but in life I like to do things that are a bit beyond my reach to keep myself from slipping.

A world-class playboy once told me that the key to mesmerising women is to listen to them and look deeply into their eyes.

I had a good time doing ["The Congressman"], and I hope that Treat [Williams] and I plan to go flying in his [private] jet!

Shay Given almost single-handedly won the match for Newcastle against Everton, although obviously he didn't score the goals

This is a business that I have always had the last laugh in.It has nothing to do with acting, it has to do with good karma.

I never took the work less than serious, my work ethic is ingrained in me. But I've always had a sense of humor about myself.

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