I would choose freedom over comfort every time.

How do you fight someone if you can't hit them?

I think life is a jape. Yours, mine, everyone's

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.

When the sun has set, no candle can replace it.

A true man does what he will, not what he must.

Contempt, thought Tyrion, the universal tongue.

Men are men, vows are words, and words are wind.

Courage and folly are cousins, or so I’ve heard.

There are no heroes...in life, the monsters win.

Sins may be forgiven. Crimes require punishment.

Everything's better with some wine in the belly.

There are worse ways to die than warm and drunk.

Kill me, and be cursed. You are no king of mine.

A long summer always meant a long winter to come.

We're all just songs in the end. If we are lucky.

He who hurries through life hurries to his grave.

What do we say to the Lord of Death?" "Not today.

I’d be anonymous. That’s what I’d do differently.

The man is as useless as nipples on a breastplate.

O medo corta mais profundamente do que as espadas.

There are things to be learned even from the dead.

Different roads sometimes lead to the same castle.

Give a thing a name and it will somehow come to be.

Power is a trick. It lies where we believe it lies.

Sweet smells are sometimes used to cover foul ones.

Jon lied ... loudly, as if that could make it true.

Summer will end soon enough, and childhood as well.

Soon comes the cold, and the night that never ends.

Faith is like porridge. Better with milk and honey.

When you play a game of thrones you win or you die.

I don't want to be a queen. I want to be the queen.

A man could not always be where he belonged, though.

My skin has turned to porcelain, to ivory, to steel.

You know, I've always considered women to be people.

You are the blood of the dragon. You can make a hat.

When we speak of the morrow nothing is ever certain.

It is one thing to be clever and another to be wise.

The Gods give with one hand and take with the other.

Every man must die, Jon Snow. But first he must live.

What would a Frey know of honor? - Sir Davos Seaworth

A man who fights for coin is loyal only to his purse.

Most men would rather deny a hard truth than face it.

a man who hates music can’t be trusted, I always say.

Kind? How boring that would be. I aspire to be wicked.

Folly and desperation are ofttimes hard to tell apart.

When treating with liars, even an honest man must lie.

If he must be alone, he would make solitude his armor.

...if you dance with dragons, you must expect to burn.

The only time a man can be brave is when he is afraid.

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