Man wants to be the king o' the rabbits, he best wear a pair o' ...

Man wants to be the king o' the rabbits, he best wear a pair o' floppy ears.

Anyone can be killed.

If? The word is when.

Dark wings, dark words.

I stayed sober for this?

The things I do for love.

Do the dead frighten you?

If I look back I am lost.

What's dead may never die.

More details, more devils.

You know nothing, Jon Snow

As we sin, so do we suffer

Laughter is poison to fear.

There are no happy endings.

Trust is earned. Like gold.

Books are dead men talking.

Nothing burns like the cold.

A mad man sees what he sees.

A dead enemy is a joy forever

I can be humbler than anyone.

Fear cuts deeper than swords.

Mother, I want to see him fly!

Wine makes all things possible.

You lie. Worse, you lie poorly.

In the end words are just wind.

Some doors are best left closed.

Men see what they expect to see.

Every flight begins with a fall.

Men have scars, women mysteries.

I have always been a dark writer.

A frightened man is a beaten man.

Fire consumes, but cold preserves.

A man who won't listen can't hear.

A Lannister always pays his debts.

I need to sleep, but fear to dream.

Spikes, " he sighed. "Heads. Walls.

Tears aren't a woman's only weapon.

Valar Morghulis - All men must die.

The only game. The game of thrones.

Love is madness, and lust is poison.

Can they love without a word for it?

You mistake patience for forbearance.

In this world, only winter is certain

his snores sounded like ducks mating.

The women are the strong ones, truly.

No one who wears a crown is ever safe.

We all dream of things we cannot have.

What the King dreams, the Hand builds.

Don't write outlines; I hate outlines.

The man who never reads lives only one.

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